Monday 29 December 2014

QuickReader - App Review

Do you want to read faster?

This is an App that aims to train you to do just that.

The App comes complete with many and varied books, and you can add anything you want in e-Pub format (the excellent Calibre will show you how).

Now for the ACIDS test:

The home screen for the App is very clear and contains only five buttons (don't be disappointed, they each pack quite a punch).

Normal Reading
Pick a book and just start reading from any given place in the book.

Speed Reading
The default setting is 300 words per minute with 6 Stops per Line. Each word will be highlighted at the prescribed speed.

Speed Test
Start reading any page of any book, and as many pages as you want then, tap the screen to find out your equivalent words per minute, including estimates on when you would finish the chapter and book.

Demo Video
No surprises here, although one supposes that the Speed Reading button has replaced Guided Reading.

This is where you can really personalise the App for you. The settings include speed (words per minute), colour of highlighter, font (type and size), colours (scheme, text, and page).

The App costs $5... but remember all those books that are included.

If you believe that books are indispensable then, I suggest you give this App a try. If you don't want to risk $5, there is a free 'Lite' version which will allow you to try it out.

The limitation is that you cannot download DRM encoded books but, there is masses out there that is not.

The only (slight) criticism is that when testing yourself for speed, tapping the screen does not always work.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Kindle Killer?

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get QuickReader here and support for the App here.

Saturday 20 December 2014

World History Atlas HD with 3D - App Review

If you are interested in history, or our curious about what went on when and, just as importantly, where, then, this App is made for you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

This really is a case of history being presented in a very different way; you can throw your textbooks out (well, maybe not).

The App works in landscape mode.

The top two thirds of the screen are taken up by a globe representing the earth. You can spin it to go to the area that interests you (or take a lucky dip spin). Just as in map applications, you can finger pinch to zoom in on particular areas of interest.

The bottom third of the screen represents dates and dynasties.

A button allows you to 'play' to a particular date, with the globe changing, as well as the sphere of influence changing. You can pause it when you want, as well as pause.

Tap on Stories or wiki to get additional detailed information.

At $10, the App isn't cheap but, compared to the information contained makes textbooks seem exorbitant.

Unsurprisingly, access to wiki information necessitates an Internet connection.

Unless you're actually studying history, you probably won't use this App every day but, it does have many uses. One such application is to be more knowledgeable about places you intend to visit.

Scrolling to an exact year on the timeline is a little difficult.

This is a self-contained App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Makes history even more interesting.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get World History Atlas HD with 3D here and support for the App here.

Monday 15 December 2014

Flash Reader - App Review

How are your reading skills?

I'm not asking if you can read (you wouldn't be here, would you) but, how fast do you read, and more importantly, would you like to read faster?

This App could help you read faster, in two ways.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App really comes in 2 parts.

The first is about getting material for you to read. This can be achieved by importing text (an e-mail, an article, even a book) from Dropbox, E-mail, Google Drive, iBooks, iTunes, or Kindle. There are perfectly adequate instructions provided with the App to enable you to complete this chore.

The second is the real meat of the App, the actual reading part. You can set up various fonts, sizes, background colours, and most importantly the speed.

One this is done, pick the item you want to read and the words will appear, one by one, at the requested speed.

The App costs $4.

Although you might not be interested in increasing your reading speed (why not?), the second reason for using this app might well interest you. Having one word at a time rapidly being fired at you means that you must concentrate on what you are reading; distractions are banished. As you can set the speed, you can ensure that this is comfortable for you.

There were no issues with the App in testing.

Apart from the usual warning of the (at least theoretical) risk of sharing your information across the cloud, there are no problems with the App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Read faster... even if it's just by avoiding distractions.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Flash Reader here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

Daily Insist - App Review

Habits are made for changing... sometimes.

There are bad habits that you want to get rid of, and good ones that you wish to adopt.

This App will help you in the latter case, and with a bit of lateral thinking, in the former as well.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The activity is called a 'Round' in this App.

You enter what it is you wish to do, and for how many days (7/14/21).

You can, optionally, enter a daily alarm to do whatever it is that you wish to do (change).

Once you have completed the activity for the day, press 'DONE TODAY' and the App will count down the number of days left in your cycle.

The App costs $1.

Most of us need a prop to change (bad) habits; this could be the one for you.

Daily Insist is an iPhone App which works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad. It is straightforward and simply works.

This is a standalone App and no issues were detected.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Force yourself to change.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Daily Insist here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Date & Time Calculator (9 in1) - App Review

Date and time calculations can be a little tricky. This App takes the effort out of the 'problem', and encourages you to work out things you probably wouldn't have bothered to do otherwise.

Now for the ACIDS test:

There is a choice of type of calculation covering:

Time Difference (between two points)
Date Range (from a starting point, add/subtract years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds)
Work Days (between 2 dates; gives you the answer, together with the number of each days of the week)
Add/Subtract Time (Enter two points in years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds and choose add or subtract)
Multiply/Divide Time (Enter in years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds and choose multiply or divide)
Time Converter (Enter in years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds and get the value in decimal years)
Age Calculator (Enter the date and get the answer in years/months days)
Time Travel (Enter the distance and speed to get the result in hours/minutes/seconds)
Time Zones (Enter the date and time and the two time zones)

The App is a modest $1.

This App cannot really be seen as indispensable but, it is useful and fun.

The App seems to work fine, although the Work days calculation (unsurprisingly) doesn't take into account public holidays.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

So how old are you?

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Date & Time Calculator (9 in1) here and support for the App here.