Wednesday 25 February 2015

Character Pad - App Review

Inserting characters (such as fractions, Greek letters, icons, proper roman numerals, numbers in circles, arrows, music notes, and others) is something we all need sometime... this App gives you access to quite a few.

Now for the ACIDS test:

There are 7 screens containing a 9x9 grid of characters (567 in total). To pick any one, just touch it and it is copied to the clipboard. To use the character, just paste it into whatever application you want to use.

There is also a front screen that holds your most recently used characters for easier access.

The basic App is free (the first 3 screens) and you can obtain more characters via an in App purchase for $1.

This is one of those Apps where when you want to write a symbol exactly as it should be, will prove indispensable.

It's simple and it works, just the way we like it.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Very useful and very inexpensive (or even free).

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Character Pad here and support for the App here.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Getodo - App Review

Being organised isn't an option, it's a necessity.

If you haven't already got a system in place, this App might be the one for you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You don't have to set up an account but, if you do, you will be able to synchronise across different devices.

The basic input screen couldn't be much simpler (just what we like to concentrate on the matter in hand). There is a + to add new entries, access to a calendar to see where you are, a sync facility (provided you are logged in and created an account), and a settings icon.

The best way to start (apart from reading the tutorial, of course), is to tap the + and add an item. This allows you to colour code the item and add an optional alarm.

The whole App is then gesture driven:

Edit - double tap
Complete - swipe right (it goes green and then goes to the foot of the list as strikethrough)
Delete - swipe left
Move order - press and hold to drag
Sub Task - drag and drop at the right of another task
See sub tasks - only those tasks which have children will have a number at the right of the row; press it to see the sub tasks
Assign a task to someone by starting it with @nameofperson

The App costs a nominal $1.

An organiser is essential; which one depends on your preferences.

One of the great advantages of this App is the availability of sub lists, which means you can split tasks without having lists so long that you get depressed.

The App works very well.

The ability to store information in the cloud and access it on multiple devices is the usual double-edged sword.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Easy to use and powerful

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Getodo here and support for the App here.

Friday 13 February 2015

Over - App Review

Do you want a simple and effective way to add text and some graphics to photos? This could be the App you're looking for.

Now for the ACIDS test:

After allowing the App access to your photos, these are to the left of the screen. Pick one to get started then add text or a graphic.

Press done and then further edit the item using the nifty wheel to the right of the screen.

You can change font, move, edit size, save, and share your creation.

The App costs $2 and you can then spend by adding more graphics at $1 per package.

Do you want to add text to photos?

The App works as expected, although you may need to start afresh when you want to edit.

The App allows direct sharing with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, E-mail, Pinterest, Message, Sincerely, and Path.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Easy to use and effective.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Over here and support for the App here.

Monday 9 February 2015

Seedio - App Review

Party time!

No decent audio speakers (or interface to your iOS device)?

No problem... use Seedio.

Now for the ACIDS test:

To appreciate how this works, you'll actually need at least 2 iOS devices, one will be the 'Seed' and the other(s) will 'Receive'.

First set up your 'Seed' by toggling the switch at the top right of the display. Next step is to add music, done by touching the button and then adding from music, YouTube, history (obviously not the first time). Once you've done that, you can hit the icon at the bottom and start sharing.

The 'Receive' devices will see the 'Seed' and will display the track playing, as well as allowing you direct access to iTunes to purchase the song, and, most importantly, you can hear the track.

The beauty of this is that you can get some decent volume just with a number of iOS devices; great fun.

The free version allows you to receive unlimited songs but only broadcast for 10 minutes per hour. The App costs $1, and you can add additional sources (SoundCloud, URL Support) as in App purchases.

If there's a bunch of you, this is great fun.

It seems that many songs cannot be added due to 'DRM, iCloud, or audio format issues'. This is a great shame as it really detracts from the usefulness of the App.

The potential breach of DRM (Digital Rights Management) rules seem to be covered (over enthusiastically) by the App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Decent volume without additional outlay.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Seedio here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Guest List Organizer - App Review

Do you run events, either as one-offs, or on a routine basis?

This App might be of use to you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You are first invited to add a new event. Enter the name of your event and an optional location, followed by the date and time, as well as any notes you may wish.

Your event is now set up and you can start adding guests. These can be added from contacts, Facebook, other events, or manually.

Each invitee can then be shown as invited, confirmed , and attended, with the contact details readily available.

You can create reports of guests invited/not invited, confirmed/not confirmed/declined, attended/no-show, male/female/child.

The App costs $5.

The App would be so much more indispensable if it colour coded (or by means of icons), the status of invitees. You can however very easily select the status and then only have those people displayed.

The App works as expected.

If you want to use Facebook as a source of contacts then, you need to give the App access to your account.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Simple (but effective) invitation tracker.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Guest List Organizer here and support for the App here.