Monday 29 June 2015

WaterMinder - App Review

We probably all know that drinking water is good for you... until some helpful person comes along and tells you it contains too much sodium, or whatever.

If you are keen on monitoring your progress, take a look at this App.

Now for the ACIDS test:

When you first open the App you are invited to enter your name, weight and sex.

You'll probably want to go to settings next as, even if you've entered your weight in kilos, the default of glasses measured in U.S. oz is selected; this also allows you to set various other parameters such as badges, reminders, and shaking to undo, as well as adding custom 'cup' sizes.

Now, whenever you drink water, just tap the 'cup' size. The amusing graphic shows your body filling from your feet, until you are depicted as all blue.

A record is kept of your consumption, and can easily be analysed by today, week, month, and year, so that you can view your progress.

You can also export your water consumption to a csv file for inputting somewhere else.

The App costs $2.

You need to be the judge of this.

The App is very easy to use and the dependability is really up to you remembering to input your water intake.

This is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Useful if you want to track your water intake with a graphical representation.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get WaterMinder here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Momento - App Review

The keeping of a diary, or journal, has been practised for centuries, without changing to any great extent. People kept records of what they did, interactions, and thoughts. Initially it was using pen/pencil and paper, and stayed that way for a very long time. Although no doubt a few people turned to typewriters when they became available, it was the advent of computers for everyone and smart phones (not to mention other devices) that made keeping a journal more of an electronic pastime.

The fact is that the XXIst century, for better or worse, has brought with it a dramatic change in the way we interact. What this App does is recognise that change and give you a tool for today.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The best way to start using the App is to go to Settings/Feeds and add the social media to which you post. You can then sit back and relax as masses (well, that kind of depends on you) of information is added to your diary.

You can now set reminders to act as prompts where you ask yourself a question on a daily basis, at a prearranged time.

You can now also create moments (journal entries) for today (or whenever). These are freely editable and work like a traditional diary.

This App costs a measly $1.

If you're already keeping a diary (or intend to start one) and you regularly post to social media then, this App will give you a fuller picture without any extra effort on your part.

Memento is an App designed for the iPhone (seems odd but, there you have it) which works fine on an iPad in 1x or 2x modes.

Memento allows you to create backups of your data and then also export as plain text.

The information on your social media are pulled into the App; this is not a two way process.

The App allows for the creation of a 4 digit pass code.

ACIDS Test Rating:

XXIst century journal

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Momento here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Trimaginator - App Review

The late Boris Delaunay was a mathematician and mountain climber who gave his name to the Delaunay Triangulation (in mathematics and computational geometry, a Delaunay triangulation for a set P of points in a plane is a triangulation DT(P) such that no point in P is inside the circumcircle of any triangle in DT(P). Delaunay triangulations maximise the minimum angle of all the angles of the triangles in the triangulation; they tend to avoid skinny triangles - with thanks to Wikipedia).

This App makes use of this to manipulate images so that are turned into a mesh made up of triangles. If you go to the developer's Facebook support page, you'll get a good idea of the great things that can be done.

It's different to anything else.

Now for the ACIDS test:

There are icons at the top left, top right, and bottom right corners of your screen.

It's possibly easiest to start with the icons at the top left and either import an image from your iOS device, or take a photograph with your camera.

Having done that, go to the top right and choose one of the point generators and then use the +/- at the bottom right, together with your fingers for a more personalised result.

You can then save the result of share it via Facebook or Twitter.

The App costs $2.

In fairness, as good as the effect is, it is difficult to think of too many uses for the App, unless you are going to make it your signature style (and why not).

The App works as indicated but it is a little fiddly... then again, it is art.

You'll need to give the App access to your photos, and can post directly to Facebook or Twitter.

ACIDS Test Rating:

This is something 'completely different'... perhaps of special appeal to Monty Python fans.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Trimaginator here and support for the App here.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Say Play - App Review

Do you remember the original iPods with their clickwheel? They were great at the time but when we got touch screens, they seemed to have come from the ark.

In a way, Say Play takes you to the next step.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The interface couldn't be much simpler, there is a box with 'What should I play?', and an unmissable red button at the bottom of the screen. Press the red button and speak the song that you wish to hear, and (the bonus) see it being performed, sometimes with the lyrics, an even tutorials on how to play.

The settings allow you to set a language, as well as provide advertising on the App for Facebook, Twitter, E-mail. or SMS.

In fairness, this is a significant downside as it is an unusually high $10.

Like most things, you can live without it but, it certainly is very entertaining.

Not surprisingly, although the App is excellent at recognising your voice, there are times when the music returns is unexpected... although it has to be said that this can actually add to the enjoyment.

An Internet connection is required to be able to stream the content.

This is a standalone App, although you need to give access to your microphone.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Great fun.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Say Play here and support for the App here.

Friday 5 June 2015

Password Manager by Passible - App Review

Those of you who have reading this blog for a while will know that security is very important.

Any App that gives you a chance to improve matters is worth a look.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You are greeted by a screen that invites you to enter a Master Passcode.

This is made up of four characters which are basically numbers but, as there are alphabetical keys on the keyboard, you could 'pretend' that it is a four letter word.

There are a couple of examples already input for you to give a feel for how the App works. It is important to differentiate between Logins (website, user name, password, notes) and Cards (type, number, expiry, version, PIN code, first name, last name, address (complete), telephone).

Having input your information, go back to the screen that will analyse the security of your password, and make suggestions as to how to improve the security.

Once you are set, you can easily use Passible in Safari by opening the extensions menu and use the App.

It really is very easy to use.

The App costs a nominal $1.

If you have your passwords written (arghhh) here and there, get this App.

The App is simple to use and just works. There are various help screens which make life even easier, should you need them.

Your data is encrypted using AES-256 which is widely accepted as a benchmark.

The default for requiring your pass code to enter the App is 30 seconds; this can be altered to nil within settings.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Added security is welcome, especially when it is so easy to use.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Password Manager by Passible here and support for the App here.

Monday 1 June 2015

Waykup - App Review

Are you the sort of (train/bus) traveller are you? Do you use the time to work, or rest? If you do then, there is also a certain anxiety that can build up about arriving at your destination and missing the stop because you are asleep, or too engrossed in your work.

This App applies very much in those circumstances.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The screen consists of a map and a search box.

Enter your destination in the search box.

The settings let you choose vibrate, sound, distance units, and the all important destination radius (from 0.5 to 3.0 in increments of 0.5, regardless of units chosen); this is the distance from your arrival point that you want to receive a warning.

The App is absolutely free.

If you worry about missing your destination, just relax and let the App do the worrying for you, although it is probably not that useful in a car or on foot (it will function though), as the proximity of your destination is too great.

The App needs an internet connection to be able to download a map, so that you can enter the address.

Waykup is an iPhone App which works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Good for train and bus travellers.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Waykup here and support for the App here.