Tuesday 26 April 2016

Weafo - App Review

Have there ever been times when all you anted to do was transfer a file from one iOS device to another? This App aims to resolve that simple, but sometimes frustrating procedure.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Check that both iOS devices are on the same wi-fi network.

Press Start on the first device. At the top of the screen will appear two addresses. The first is in the form http://192.168.x.xxx and the second http://name_of_your_device.local.

Enter the address in a web browser (such as Safari) on the second device.

The first device will now ask for confirmation that you are allowing access to your device.

On the second device add the items that you wish to transfer. These will automatically be listed on the first device.

Tap Start and it's done.

The App Costs $0. This includes the transfer of 3 files per week. You can purchase additional bandwidth via an in-App purchase.

This is a simple way to transfer files, and knowing that the file you transfer is also the one received and not whatever iOS e-mail decides to do.

The App works.

This obviously needs to be used with care as you are giving access to your data.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Easy file transfer between iOS devices.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Weafo here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Digits, the calculator for humans - App Review

Oh no, yet another calculator for iOS... maybe not.

For those of you old enough to remember calculators with tally rolls, this is much more like that but, editable.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The calculator part is pretty much as you would expect, although with the additional possibility of customising colours, and various other bells and whistles. It's not that we're playing down these items but, the real differentiator is on the left of the screen...

The tape is what will make you able to confirm that your calculation is correct. You can see the values and operators entered and check their accuracy.

The real magic is that by touching on any of these values, you can edit them; this can save you an awful lot of time.

The App Costs $4.

A calculator, for sure. One where you can check and edit calculations; probably depends on how you are going to use it.

The App is very easy to use and reliable.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Back to the old days with all modern convenience; great App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Digits, the calculator for humans here and support for the App here.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Fuel - App Review

If you are keen on maintaining fuel consumption records for your vehicles, this App could be right up your street.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You start off by adding a vehicle, to which you assign a name, type, fuel type and optional comment.

The Settings screen allows you to pick units kilometre or miles, as well as the consumption type (litres/100 kilometres, or miles per gallon); handily these are set independently so you can mix imperial and metric units.

Now, net time you stop at a petrol station you can use the Fill ups option.

You can then have access to information to consumption and costs.

The App Costs $2.

Obviously you can use a spreadsheet for this information but, this is a neat alternative.

Fuel is an iPhone App which works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad. It is extremely simple to use and reliable, although you need to have a certain amount of data before it becomes truly useful.

You can copy your data to Dropbox (Dropbox/Apps/FuelApp), as well as e-mail a csv file.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Keep a track of your vehicle consumption with ease.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Fuel here and support for the App here.

Friday 8 April 2016

Text Crafter 2 - App Review

TextCrafter is a notes app for iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch. It is much more than the built-in iOS Notes App; if you need more, take a look at this.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App has a few helpful hints when you get started; spent the short minute reviewing this, it will be worthwhile.

Writing a note is as simple as you would imagine, which is a good thing.

The real power of the App is in the Settings menu. Here you can have access to:

Editing Theme - set the font, size and light/dark
Link Shortening Service - choose from is.gd, BitLy, TinyURL, TinyCC
Note Tags - choose from coloured points or icons

Editing notes includes the ability to change the appearance of the text, and your notes can be arranged with colourful tags (rather than the ubiquitous text).

There are other great little bits like easy access to special characters, and snippets (so much used items are easy to paste into text).

The App Costs $6.

A Note App is essential; if the built-in App doesn't have enough bells and whistles then, give this a go.

The App works.

It is easy to share via e-mail, iMessage, or social networks; the usual double-edged sword.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Notes on steroids.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Text Crafter 2 here and support for the App here.

Monday 4 April 2016

Kanbana - App Review

'Kanbana is a simple graphical task board that helps you visualise and optimise your personal workflow'; this is what the developers promise.

From Wikipedia, the definition of Kanban is "(literally signboard or billboard in Japanese) is a scheduling system for lean manufacturing and just-in-time manufacturing."

For the moment, we'll view it as a to-do system that is visual.

Now for the ACIDS test:

To learn to use the App in double quick time, spend under 2 minutes watching this Video.

The App comes pre configured with columns titled: Todo in the Future, Todo This Week, Todo Today, Evaluate & Refine, and Completed. You can add to these columns by tapping and holding outside the right-hand edge and entering your own, which can then be easily dragged into the appropriate place.

To enter a Todo, simply press and hold anywhere and type your item then choose a colour; this can then be dragged to the appropriate column (unless of course you entered it in the required column in the first place).

You can then reorder and edit each item.

The basic App is free, if you want Cloud data sync (for multiple devices), this costs $9, and the fully-featured version is $3 per month.

As I've said many times, a to-do system is essential to getting things done. If you haven't got one that works well for you then, take a look at Kanbana; it's different.

This is an extremely simple App to use.

This is a standalone App, unless you upgrade and then you can access your data from multiple iOS devices, as well as a PC.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A to-do list system that's good enough for Toyota.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Kanbana here and support for the App here.