Monday 27 June 2016

Klaser - App Review

This App could 'simply' be described as a database but the developer (far more evocatively) describes this as 'release your mind from remembering details'.

Now for the ACIDS test:

One starts by creating 'Collections'; these could be items you wish to catalogue, medicines you take, things that interest you, places you have/want to visit, books, DVDs, absolutely anything really.

Having created a 'Collection', you add items by simply using the +. Here you give the item a name, and additional information if needed (serial number, registration...), then add tags (to further group items). The really neat part is that you can also add a photo of the item (either one you have saved or take one within the App).

To find anything simply hit the Magnifying Glass and you are presented with the results.

The App Costs $0, which is absolutely stunning for an App as useful as this one.

If you catalogue anything, you need a system.

The App works and is extremely fast.

The iPad version display is either iPhone screen size or you can use the 2X button to fill the screen.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A database for free... things don't get much better than that.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Klaser here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 21 June 2016

MadNotes - App Review

If you take notes and want them as a list, rather than individual Post-Its then, take a look at MadNotes.

Now for the ACIDS test:

This App has a totally uncluttered interface... in fact all you have is a blank page.

Swipe down to enter a note.

Swipe left on a note to delete it.

Swipe right on a note to move it to the top.

That's all folks.

The App Costs $0.

If you need an clean, uncluttered, and simple note taker, this is it.

It's simple and it works.

Your notes are accessible on other devices using the same account via iCloud.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Looney Tunes note taker (guess that's why it's called MadNotes)

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get MadNotes here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Procraster - App Review

Never put off to tomorrow what you can put off to next week... if that's your motto then continue to achieve little. On the other hand if you need a bit of help in not putting things off then Procraster offers to help you overcome procrastination.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The Inbox is where you put your ideas, and then check what you intend doing with them.

Each of these can have various attributes assigned, including tags, area of responsibility, delegation, as well as the usual task attributes (start and due dates, repetition). You can also very easily add free text notes to the individual ideas.

The App also gives you graphical stats (very useful).

To be honest a detailed review would probably be more confusing than helpful, so here are two very useful tools to help you get started, a Video and a User manual.

The App Costs $2.

If you need more than a simple list, and perhaps lack motivation, this could be right up your street.

The App works... make sure you do too.

The App can back up to iCloud and, very importantly, also to Dropbox.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Let Procraster help you expedite, rather than delay.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Procraster here and support for the App here.

Thursday 9 June 2016

The Time Zone Converter App - App Review

My first reaction to this App was... why bother, one can use the Clock App that comes with iOS. In fact this was an absolutely incorrect assumption...

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App has an extremely simple screen which contains your local time,and a number of places (the default is San Francisco and Tokyo).

To Add another City, simply press the + and pick a city. To delete an existing one, simply swipe left.

Now the smart part about this App is that you can touch any of the times and change the time, which will automatically update all the other clocks (you can't do this with iOS Clock. An additional nicety is that the App will also display 'next day' where appropriate.

The App Costs $0.

If you arrange meetings across time zones, especially with multiple zones, this App will save you a lot of time.

The Time Zone Converter is an iPhone App which works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad. It is extremely simple to use and reliable.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

So obvious... and so useful.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get The Time Zone Converter App here and support for the App here.

Friday 3 June 2016

MosaLingua - App Review

Many people who speak English as their native tongue seem to believe that the world will understand them. Although they are right in very many cases, it's amazing how much more enjoyable it is for everyone if one makes a little effort to speak another language. Apart fro business opportunities, and travel will be enhanced by a little effort on your part and a helpful App.

Now for the ACIDS test:

MosaLingua will help you learn French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or even English.

The basic App consists of a learning space (where you will probably spend most of your time), and additional areas including dialogues and specific categories (if you need to target a specific area) and bonus material that unlocks as you progress (this is free, it's your aptitude that unlocks it, not your wallet).

You start by defining your objective and can, optionally, take a level test to start in the right place (if you're a total novice, skip the test).

Once you start learning you are given words which you listen to before pronouncing yourself, and comparing. There is then a memorisation routine followed by writing and self-evaluation.

You then each day have a list no go through again, until you are perfect.

You can optionally join a league table confidentially and assess your progress compared to others.

The App Costs $5 which is absolutely nothing compared to other methods.

If you are stuck in 'I speak English so everyone can understand me' mode, don't bother... and miss out on enormous pleasure (both for yourself and others).

The App not only works but you also receive additional material (or at least links to it), all for no additional cost.

You can synchronise your work across different iOS devices, just by logging in to your account.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Makes visiting a 'foreign' country a much more fulfilling experience.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get MosaLingua here and support for the App here.