Tuesday 8 November 2011

iSignature (Step 4) – start using it on your iPhone/iPad

If you have followed the previous suggestions, you should now have a saved document on your PC that represents the iSignature file you wish to use on your iPhone/iPad. It can already be used with your PC mail software but there is just a little more work required until you can have a decent signature for your Apple device.

Please remember that this is a workaround so, if it does not look as elegant as it should (the solution, not the signature) then, please feel free to let Apple know!

Here are two different suggestions for how to implement your iSignature.

Website based
If you have a website where you can transfer your signature then, this is a simple solution. Transfer the iSignature you have previously created from your PC to a blank webpage on your site. Then simply browse to the appropriate webpage on your site (on your iPhone/iPad) and just copy the iSignature elements and then paste it into your iPhone/iPad email as you type. Thats all it takes.

iPhone/iPad based
Start by sending an Email from your PC to yourself. Make sure that you do not collect the email on your PC but now go to your iPhone/iPad and receive the email there. You should have an email which contains just your new iSignature.
The next part is straightforward but, you might like to think back (if you are old enough) to the days when a printer (thats a person and not a machine) supplied you with headed paper with your logo, address, telephone number once you ran out you were in deep, deep trouble. Well, you would be in a similar situation so, we will prepare a stock of iSignature emails so that we do not run out at an inopportune moment.
Copy the signature on the iPhone/iPad that you have sent yourself then hit the new email icon. Paste your iSignature into the body of this new email (you do not need to enter anything in the To or Subject fields. Now press Cancel and then Save Draft. Repeat this operation as often as you want; you are just creating your stock of emails.
Now, when you want to send an email just go to your Drafts folder and touch on one of your stock and you have a beautiful email, preprepared with your iSignature to do with as you please.

Enjoy using your new signature and remember that you can have as many as you want just repeat the process.

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