Wednesday 27 March 2013

Calendars+ - App Review

Your iOS device comes ready loaded with the Apps 'Calendar' and 'Reminders', which are useful but, you can't expect too much from 'free' Apps... the concept of 'free' is to be taken with a pinch of salt as you had to buy the Apple device first.
Calendars+ is a replacement for both these Apps, and integrates the two types of data (appointments and tasks).

Now for the ACIDS test:

Although reviews are normally written on the basis of the App itself, without comparing to others, this one needs to be treated slightly differently as the App is a replacement for one (or two) built-in Apps.
As far as the diary part of Calendars+ is concerned, the display options of 'List', 'Day', and 'Month' are augmented by 'Week'. Although this might seem only a small difference, it is the most often used display (just as in most paper versions). Calendars+ makes it clear for you to see what appointments are taking place this week, as well as the tasks you need to complete. The really clever bit is that they manage to do this without the screen looking like a dog's dinner, by neatly using a fixed sized box for all events. It is then easy to tap on any box and get, where appropriate, more information; this works very well. A similar approach is used in the 'Month' view, where the simple dot (to show that there's something on that day) in Calendar is replaced in Calendars+ by a touchable box that again expands to show all the additional information.
How many times have you been at the end of a meeting and the last thing on the agenda is... arranging the next meeting, with the same person, in the same place. Calendars+ makes life much easier in these circumstances; tap the duplicate icon on the current item, go to the date and time for the new meeting and choose 'Paste'; no need to worry about errors.
Entering a task or to-do is accomplished in the same way as an appointment/event but, obviously, in the same App; a great advantage to productivity.
Another major difference between the built-in Calendar (this also applies to Reminders) and this App is in the ease of entering a new item. Instead of using the scrolling date and time wheel, Calendars+ uses its own presentation which is very easy to use and will also avoid the problem of flicking the wheel with over over enthusiasm and then having to wind it back. It is a matter of personal preference but, it's a neat solution.
It is worth noting that, as a result of all the additional information which is readily viewable, the ‘Today’ button, which takes you to the current date, regardless of where you are browsing, is replaced with the one or two numbers in today’s date (at the bottom right of the screen).
Calendars+ integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, affording you another level of productivity gain.
The information is displayed slightly differently on iPhones and iPads. The additional screen real estate on the latter is put to very good use; this review was written with reference to the iPhone version.

There are two versions of the App, Calendars+ which is a low priced option or the entirely cost free version (Calendars by Readdle), which you could always try to convince yourself.

If you already use the Apps 'Calendar' or 'Reminders', which are both an integral part of iOS (hence cannot be deleted) then, Calendars+ will rapidly become indispensable.

Calendars+ works flawlessly but, you are still the one who has to enter the correct information.

Calendars+ is not password protected so you need to protect your information with your iOS access password. The benefit of this is obviously that you do not need to renter a password for the App.

ACIDS Test Rating:
Calendar + Reminders = Calendars+

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Calendars+ here and support for the App here.


  1. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 3.5.6 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    - Stability improvement

  2. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 3.5.7 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    - Small fixes

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 5.6 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    - Optimised for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

    - Fixes for iOS 6 compatibility issues.

    - Made for iOS 8
    Calendars works perfectly on the newest iOS 8 release and adds a few exclusive features.

    - Agenda Widget
    Install Calendars widget and view your schedule on Today tab in Notifications Center. Exclusively on iOS 8.

    - Interactive Notifications
    Snooze Alerts and Move Events right from the Notifications Center. Exclusively on iOS 8.

  5. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 5.6.1 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    - Improved location search
    - Natural language input enhancement
    - Various localization fixes
    - Increased stability and performance


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