Thursday 14 March 2013

DriveSaver - App Review

Despite its name, this is not a 'Drive Saver'. It is however an interesting App that might help you explain some of the pitfalls of data storage to yourself, or others.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App contains different elements which help you understand how a hard drive works and what individual components do, in a pleasantly realistic way. It shows various error types and how a drive will react. Usefully, there are also a number of protection strategies and best practices; well worth the read.

The App is free but is really an advertising medium for a data recovery company... so, that's fair.

As far as an iOS device is concerned, it is only an educational App; it will not repair anything but is an interesting educational tool.

It is really only a database and is not editable, so there is little to go wrong.

You neither enter, nor share data, so there is no security risk.

ACIDS Test Rating:
A bit of fun and educational too

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get DriveSaver here and support for the App here.

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