Tuesday 16 April 2013

Refuel Memo - App Review

Are you in the habit of keeping (accurate) records of car fuel usage? I've been doing it for years with an Excel spreadsheet; Refuel Memo is a far easier and more elegant way to achieve a similar result.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You start off by entering your vehicle's current mileage, together with the amount spent, the volume of fuel purchased gallons/litres, as well as whether you fully filled the tank. The date is entered by the traditional iOS wheel.
At its simplest, this is all the information that needs to be entered but, you can also log the type of tyre, driving style, type of road and even to mention that you forgot to enter the last lot of information. You can optionally also make copious notes that are kept with individual top ups; your imagination is the limit here but, brand and octane seem two fairly obvious contenders for a mention.
You've now done your part and the App will now deliver a whole host of information such as average consumption or cost to date, or on individual tankfuls. You are also presented with graphs for monthly and annual usage, again by quantity or value.
The online help section is, usefully, very comprehensive.
Just one small word of caution for people used to imperial measurements; consumption is measured in gallons per 100 miles and not miles per gallon. This means that a low figure is better for your pocket!

This is a low-cost App.

Keeping accurate mileage and fuel records is part of driving, and might even forward you of problems ahead.

This is one of those Apps that simply works.

The data is not shared so there is no data risk. Just to remember to enter the amount of fuel purchased when you are stationary!

ACIDS Test Rating:
A must for petrol heads.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Refuel Memo here and support for the App here.

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