Saturday 10 August 2013

Tracks - App Review

The developer describes the App as a way of tracking fashion, food, art, or sports. In fact it's rather more than that as it enables you to make stories (based on pictures) of your own, ably helped by your friends.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You can start off by either viewing existing tracks which are listed on the left of the home screen. Pick one to see what's in it and then you can share it, see who is a 'member', and jump straight to their tracks.

You can also start your own Track by touching the camera icon (top right). If you haven't given the App access to your photos, the 'Making Magic' message just keeps attempting to access them (unsuccessfully, of course). You can also take a photograph using various effects (some are free and some require an in-App purchase). There is the ability to manually set focus, as well as exposure.

The 'Add' button at the top right of the screen is used to name your Track, add tags, and set whether the Track is discoverable by the community, and whether or not members can add to your track (excellent when you are maybe creating a wedding album, or a memento of an event with friends). You are now free to share your track on Facebook, Twitter, or invite contacts by email (they will then need to sign up in order to be able to see your Track).

The App is free but there is a charge for effects such as oil painting, LED, and contour.

The indispensable part is that, in order to view a Track, a user must be a member. This reduces the universal appeal.

The App works as expected... just remember that access to photographs.

Tracks asks to use your current location. You need to either log-in with Facebook (which means giving access to your basic profile information, list of friends, photos (yours and those of your friends), as well as relationships.

The alternative is to sign up with an email address. In this instance the App will ask for permission to access your contacts and photographs but, these can be refused.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Great if your friends have the App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Tracks here and support for the App here.

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