Tuesday 28 January 2014

AppZilla 3 - App Review

The tendency for Apps to be more and more focused goes in exactly the opposite direction with this offering; it promises 150 Apps in One!

Now for the ACIDS test:

Tapping the App Apps button will initially bring up a grouping (favourites, entertainment, games, reference, utilities, productivity, music, calculation, and All Apps); press it again and you have 16 Apps to a page listed by name (although you can use settings to reorder these). You can also hide Apps so as to leave the ones that are (at least currently) the ones you prefer.

It is simple to just add Apps to your favourites by holding an App icon and then choosing to add it. You then have quicker access to your most oft used Apps.

I don't intend to review all 150 Apps here (pleased to read that, aren't you) but, just to mention a few so that you get some idea of the breadth of variety.

Entertainment - Game Buzzer
Noises for correct and incorrect answers.

Games - Blackjack
Play the casino game without risking your life savings.

Reference - Holidays
Immediate access to masses of 'holidays', religious as well as many others, with easy access to past and previous years; could save you a lot of time searching.

Utilities - Decibels
Gives you a reading of Peak, Average and Current decibels (dB)... is the television louder than the neighbours mower?

Productivity - Geo Minder
Find exactly where you are, together with map view and then set a remind when you are next within a certain distance.

Music - Metronome
Tap the screen 5 times to set the beat, and the metronome then takes over.

Calculation - BMI Calc
Check your Body Mass Index against accepted norms. Just a word of working that if you use metric measurements, your height is in centimetres, not metres... and are BMI recommendations the same for me and women?

There really is something for everybody here; useful stuff.

You get a heck of a lot for your $1.

This is very difficult to score, as there will undoubtedly be Apps that you will never use (apart perhaps from finding out what they do) but, on the other hand, there are some really useful nuggets here.

The App uses 79.3 MB of space which might seem a lot but, divide that by 150 and the average is amazingly low.

No issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Amazing value.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get AppZilla 3 here and support for the App here.

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