Thursday 6 February 2014

One Touch Dial - App Review

So, you use 'E-mail' to send an E-mail, 'Messages' to send an SMS or iMessage, 'Phone- to make a call... you get the picture.

One Touch Dial allows you to do all these things within one App, with a very intuitive interface.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Although it isn't necessarily the obvious place to start, you might want to take a look at Settings, as it will give you additional information on just how comprehensive this App really is.

The layout allows you to pick a default layout of 6 (2x3), 12 (3x4), or 20 (4x5) contacts to have on your home screen. Of course, these can be resized and altered later.

The Start Screen has the option to choose whether you return to the last used, recent calls, or first contacts screen (very useful).

You can also set a second language, have sound on/off (including forwarding this to other devices through AirPlay), and even hide names.

The 'communications channels' include phone (including multiple numbers), message, E-mail, Twitter, Facebook, Facetime, Skype (voice and message), WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest... you should find plenty to keep you in contact by pretty well any means.

Having looked at these options, you can also check the useful instructions on how to add and edit contacts.

The truth is that the process is very intuitive to add and edit contacts (with or without a picture).

You end up with a screen with very simple direct access to your contacts, by whatever means you wish.

This is a low cost $1 App.

You can already carry out all the actions on your iOS device but, this App gives you an easier and more elegant way of achieving it.

It could also be useful for children of a young age.

Presumably the App will be more used on an iPhone than an iPad, hence it works in 1x and 2x modes on the larger screen.

It's a tribute to the App that the only real 'danger' is that it's too easy to contact people!

ACIDS Test Rating:

A real timesaver, and it looks good.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get One Touch Dial here and support for the App here.

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