Friday 1 August 2014

Camera Smile Detection - App Review

What's your 'trick' for getting everyone to smile when you hake a photograph? It could be 'say cheese', pull a face, tell a joke...

This App detects when the magical smiles are present.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The settings allows you to set various parameters including:

Manual - this is if you wish to manually detect smiles, rather than leave the App to its own devices; a little counter-productive really.
Smile Detection - this can be turned off
Eye Blink - ensure that only are people smiling but also have their eyes open.

You can choose either the front or rear facing camera

The App also allows you to then edit the photo that you have taken, including:

Filter (a choice of 13 from monochrome to chrome, via vignette)
Adjust (brightness, contrast, saturation)
Effect (spot, hue, highlight, bloom, gloom, posterise, pixelate)
Blur and focus; via a slider control and using the whole image or a circle or band (both adjustable)
Crop, either with a grid or freehand
Rotate and mirror, again with a slider control
ToneCurve with a graphical interface (very neat)

The App is absolutely free.

This is one of those Apps that you probably won't be using every day but you will find very useful to have in your armoury.

In a way it's best to let the App 'do its thing' and have your iOS device and the App take care of the photo.

Photos can be shared from within the App as a message, email, or Twitter.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Hopefully, an end to photos with glum looks and eyes shut.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Camera Smile Detection here and support for the App here.

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