Thursday 22 January 2015

Phone Doctor Plus - App Review

Do you sometimes wonder why your iPhone is slow, or whether it is working properly.

This App helps you sort things out and improve matters, as well as being a check (or bargaining ploy) when buying a used iPhone.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App is basically divided into 4 separate screens, each with its dedicated purpose:

This gives you information about hardware (external/internal devices, sensors, wireless), battery (time for which you can use based on current (ouch) usage and level of charge), storage, CPU, and Network.
Although there is a lot of information, albeit very neatly presented, all you really need to concentrate on are the 'thumbs up' or 'green tick' symbols (all's well) and and numbers in a red box. The latter indicate an area for improvement; just press the warning and you will be shown the solution, and how to carry out the operation.

This area allows you to perform basic tests on a vast number of areas, each of which just needs a tap and then follow the clear instructions. These cover: multitouch, touch screen, display, earphones/microphone, speaker/microphone, headphone jack, camera, flash, home button, volume control, sleep/wake button, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, compass, call function, storage, memory, specification (you need to enter the iPhone model but, if you get it wrong, the App lets you know), CPU, vibrator, GPS, cellular network, wi-fi, and Bluetooth.

Here is displayed memory, CPU, and network usage, all in real time.

Apart from, again, showing the time remaining, this shows you how to reduce consumption, as well as maintenance.

The App sells for a mere $1.

This is one of those Apps that you should have in your armoury, not necessarily for everyday use but, as a useful tool.

Although I cannot guarantee that the information displayed is correct, I have every faith that it is.

The think to marvel at is how much technology is actually inside your iPhone.

The 'More' screen allows you to bring the App to the attention of others by Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, or E-mail; there is sharing of information as such.

ACIDS Test Rating:

An indispensable tool.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Phone Doctor Plus here and support for the App here.

1 comment:

  1. We have given you great information,Today we will talk about Phone Doctor Plus. There is a good app for our phones. Phone Doctor Plus is the best option For our smartphone. Read More...Phone Doctor Plus in English NetKiDuniya


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