Thursday 19 March 2015

My Measures & Dimensions - App Review

How many times have you measured something, written the dimensions on a scrap of paper and then... lost the paper, forgotten which dimension is which, couldn't read your writing...

This App could well do away with all that frustration.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You start by tapping the + icon and taking a photo of whatever it is you want to measure.

At the bottom of the screen you will see icons; only the Arrow will work in the free version (although it does far more than just create arrows). Pinch to show the item you are measuring, then add dimension, change the colour, choose the units, access tools, add text, show angles, erase (delete an object).

You can create folders which easily lets you organise work into projects.

The fact is that instead of a scrap of paper, you have an annotated photo/drawing, and confusion is avoided.

The App costs $9.

If your business needs a foolproof way of sharing measurements that are not always of similar items (so that you know your 'system' for recording the information) then, this App is probably what you have been waiting for.

The App works but it is obviously down to you to get accurate measurements.

When sharing your projects, the process seems a little slow but, it works.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Great for retaining pictorial records of measurements; avoids confusion.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get My Measures & Dimensions here and support for the App here.

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