Sunday 13 December 2015

HT Professional Recorder - App Review

If you're looking for a recording device that consists of more than simply a microphone and a volume meter, take a look at HT Professional Recorder.

Now for the ACIDS test:

It would be impossible to give as sophisticated an App as HT Professional Recorder its due in a short review such as this.

Some of the important aspects, and which differentiate the App from the myriad of vanilla recorders include:

• The ability to skip silences, which can be useful in dictation and avoids you having to repeatedly press pause/play

• Automatic amplification of distant voices, thereby ensuring that recording a meeting will give a fairly level reproduction

• Variable speed playback which enables you lo locate a particular point in the recording with greater speed

• The sharing is not limited to the obvious solutions but includes FTP. This effectively means, amongst other things, that you can directly publish a recording to a website; brilliant

• The ability to cut parts of a recording

• Bookmarking various points in a recording

• A proper library for your recordings where, apart from file names (obviously), you can then store within folders

The App Costs $15 which may seem a lot for an App but, compared to a dedicated device is peanuts.

Do you need meetings/lectures recorded to a quality that means you can concentrate on content?

It works!

I can't see any security issues with the App but, as ever, be careful with what and how you share. That FTP transfer could bite you in the bum.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A genuine recording App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get HT Professional Recorder here and support for the App here.

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