Wednesday 30 December 2015

NoteSpot - App Review

The re are more notes Apps in the App Store than you can shake a stick at. The difference with NoteSpot is that it stores where you wrote the note.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The basic interface consists of a blank page with a search box at the top and three icons at the bottom right (unless you change the options):

Give your note a title (optional) and then type your thoughts. Additionally, you can enter a photograph.

This allows you to set the App for left-handed operation. The icons will then be transposed to the bottom left of the screen. You can also delete all notes in one fell swoop.

This will show you the locations where you entered notes. Tapping any of the pins will take you directly to the note.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

If you want the ability to add photographs and locations to your notes then, this is the one for you.

The App is designed for the smaller screen of the iPhone but works fine in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad.

Apart from the need to allow the App access to location services, the App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Remembers where you made your notes.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get NoteSpot here and support for the App here.

Thursday 24 December 2015

Levitagram - App Review

Amaze everyone (OK, some people) with your powers of levitation... or so it appears at least.

Now for the ACIDS test:

From within the App take a photograph with your subject (it does not need to be a person) on a pedestal of some sort (a chair for instance).

Now take a second photo with the subject and support removed.

You now have the option to let the App automatically align the photos and to save the original photos to your camera roll.

The next step is to use the tools to remove the support from the picture and... voilĂ , levitation.

The App Costs $2.

I'll leave that to you to decide; for sure it is fun.

Although there is a magnify option and also the ability to change the size and blur the brush, it can be a bit tricky to get a 'realistic' effect.

The App needs access to your photos.

You are also encouraged to share your masterpieces via social networks.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A bit of harmless (armless if you choose) fun.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Levitagram here and support for the App here.

Friday 18 December 2015

Intervallo - App Review

Setting an alarm via iOS is fairly painless but, Intervallo takes this to a new level, partially because it is so easy to add a timer (and reuse it), and personalise a lot of settings.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The choices are List (your timers), Timers (shows running timer and sets new ones), Pre-sets (masses of pre entered items including cooking, film development (an art from the past), workouts), and Help (the application is very intuitive anyway).

In order to set a timer the following (not all compulsory) are required:

• Timer mode - normal or never sleep
• Interval starts - Start the timer at a predefined date and time
• Interval ends - Stop the timer at a predefined date and time
• Duration - days, hours, minutes, seconds
• Name - for the timer and interval
• Sounds - at start, before end, at interval
• Call a specified telephone number
• Send an e-mail to a predetermined address
• Send a text message

The App Costs $2.

If you need multiple timers running simultaneously (not necessarily at the same same time), and especially if you want more than just a sound at the end then, this is a great App.

The App is designed for the iPhone but works fine on an iPad in 1x and 2x modes.

The only interaction is with the sending of messages and initiating of calls via the App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Multiple timers, multiple options, multiple notifications.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Intervallo here and support for the App here.

Sunday 13 December 2015

HT Professional Recorder - App Review

If you're looking for a recording device that consists of more than simply a microphone and a volume meter, take a look at HT Professional Recorder.

Now for the ACIDS test:

It would be impossible to give as sophisticated an App as HT Professional Recorder its due in a short review such as this.

Some of the important aspects, and which differentiate the App from the myriad of vanilla recorders include:

• The ability to skip silences, which can be useful in dictation and avoids you having to repeatedly press pause/play

• Automatic amplification of distant voices, thereby ensuring that recording a meeting will give a fairly level reproduction

• Variable speed playback which enables you lo locate a particular point in the recording with greater speed

• The sharing is not limited to the obvious solutions but includes FTP. This effectively means, amongst other things, that you can directly publish a recording to a website; brilliant

• The ability to cut parts of a recording

• Bookmarking various points in a recording

• A proper library for your recordings where, apart from file names (obviously), you can then store within folders

The App Costs $15 which may seem a lot for an App but, compared to a dedicated device is peanuts.

Do you need meetings/lectures recorded to a quality that means you can concentrate on content?

It works!

I can't see any security issues with the App but, as ever, be careful with what and how you share. That FTP transfer could bite you in the bum.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A genuine recording App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get HT Professional Recorder here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 9 December 2015

WatchNotes - App Review

This is one of the first of new breed of Apps, one that is really designed for use on the Apple Watch but also has a regular iOS interface.

The App is designed for note taking and ToDos.

Now for the ACIDS test:

To create a Note, highlight 'Notes' then the pencil, tap the screen and enter the note, then press the save arrow. You can now press the icon at the top left of the screen to view, edit, rearrange, and delete your notes.

Notes can also be entered using the microphone.

The creation of Notes and ToDos is very similar, except that the latter has a tick box.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

Now that's the $64,000 question (now there's an old idiom for you). How easy do you find it to enter information on your Apple Watch... that'll answer the question.

The App works.

The information is synchronised between your iPhone (or iPad, iPod) with your Apple Watch.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Probably essential if you have an Apple Watch.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get WatchNotes here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Splashtop Wired XDisplay - App Review

Sometimes one monitor just isn't enough.

Splashtop Wired XDisplay gives you an extended display with a second monitor.

Now for the ACIDS test:

In order to get the App running, your PC needs to have the latest version of iTunes. You then need to install the XDisplay software on your PC. All you now need to do is link your iOS device with a USB cable and launch the App.

Your iOS device will now be an additional monitor; easy as that.

The App Costs $0.

Who doesn't need more screen real estate?

If you are already using more than one monitor the App stops the subservient monitors displaying as they were previously.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

You can't get an additional monitor for less.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Splashtop Wired XDisplay here and support for the App here.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Angle Meter PRO - App Review

Is that shelf level?

This App helps answer the question and others.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The interface is basic, containing a representation with an imaginary line which is set as horizontal or vertical through a button.

The display then shows the angle both graphically and as a number.

The options allow you to use the camera, import a picture, as well as calibrate.

The App Costs $2.

It's a very good guide.

The numerical vale is in whole degrees.

You need to be more worried about the shelf.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Can easily be used as a guide.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Angle Meter PRO here and support for the App here.

Friday 20 November 2015

The Fourth Dimension - App Review

And now for something completely different... an explanation of the 4th dimension.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App is actually a series of screens that attempts to explain/demonstrate the 4th Dimension.

It includes an 'exercise' similar to the touching two fingers of opposite hands at arm's length and watching a sausage appear... you mean you haven't tried that.

The App costs $3.

If you don't understand the 4th dimension (join the club), then this might help...

As started, this is a succession of screens so there isn't much to go wrong. The developers state 'If you're having trouble using The Fourth Dimension, please contact us via email and we will send a crack team of mathematicians to your domicile to investigate the matter and take whatever corrective action is necessary'; love it!

This is a standalone App so there are no issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Brilliantly different.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get The Fourth Dimension here and support for the App here.

Monday 16 November 2015

Mailbox - App Review

Another e-mail App is not necessarily the first thing on your wish list, although one that removes some of the shortcomings of the iOS App might be...

This App comes from the people at Dropbox, so be prepared for some interesting ideas.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing that needs to be done is add an account. This is currently limited to Google and iCloud (with promises of more to come).

You are now (optionally) taken through an interactive tutorial.

Your e-mails are listed as you are used to seeing them but, the handling is different (and much better).

Swipe right to archive an item, long swipe right to send to trash, swipe left to simply delay dealing with the message (and set when you want it to reappear in your inbox), long swipe left to add the message to a list.

Apart from the above-mentioned actions, the whole interface will remind you of the iOS mailbox you already know and love (or not).

The App is free.

If you want to send attachments, having created an e-mail (as opposed to wanting to send a file by e-mail, and then enter some text) then, this is brilliant. The only downside is the limited e-mail server support (Google and iCloud).

Synchronising with Dropbox also allows you to have your e-mail account in the same state on all your devices.

The App works, just as one would expect from Dropbox.

The App needs access to your e-mail accounts and optionally (although it really is a huge plus) Dropbox.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Better e-mail, by far... would be 5 Star with more e-mail accounts supported.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Mailbox here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Delivered! - App Review

Some shipping companies keep you actively informed of the status of your parcel; many do not.

Life gets complicated when you are monitoring more than one shipment and keep having to jump from one site to another.

Enter 'Delivered!'.

Now for the ACIDS test:

this really is simplicity itself. Press the '+' and enter the shipment number (code), name (whatever is appropriate for you), and the courier (or leave it at automatic).

The App then takes care of the rest.

You can use the 'Settings' wheel to set which notifications are received, the order, whether or not you want them grouped, whether you want your time tone or the time zone the package is located, and whether or not to display maps.

You now have an aggregated place for your deliveries.

The App costs $2.

If you only need to track one item, this is overkill otherwise, it is a great time saver.

The couriers covered are:

Canada Post
Correos de España
Royal Mail

The App works on the basis of information supplied by couriers.

You need to share your shipment information.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Multiple delivery time saver.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Delivered! here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Simplique - App Review

There are basically three options for the background to your iOS device:

- leave it as Apple intended
- use a photo from your collection
- personalise it as you see fit

Simplique helps you do the latter.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The developer supplies a brief tutorial which is worth the few moments that it takes to complete.

You can now choose 2 photos (or take new ones) which will serve as your screen background, and save the new image.

All you now need do is go to Settings/Wallpaper and choose the image.

Very quick and very simple.

The App costs $2.

Seriously, not indispensable but, a bit of fun.

The fact that you cannot define various screen areas within the App is a disadvantage.

You could, of course, cut and paste (use paper if necessary), and create a background which you then photograph and use on your iOS device.

The App works, within its limitations.

You need to give the App access to your photographs but, that shouldn't be an issue.

ACIDS Test Rating:


To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Simplique here and support for the App here.

Thursday 29 October 2015

Ping Analyzer - Graphical Network Ping - App Review

This App has nothing to do with table tennis; just thought I'd clear that up first...

A Ping is the length of time it takes for packets of data to reach a host.

A Pong is an awful smell.

Glad we've cleared that up... any confusion, that is.

Now for the ACIDS test:

If you're a networking whizz then, you've no doubt already got all the tools you need but, for the rest of us, this makes for interesting data... or presumably also if you've forgotten your kit.

All you need do is enter an I.P. address (try, which has a more than fair chance of being your router) and watch what happens.

You have a graph of the time taken for individual Pings, as well as values for average, minimum, and maximum RTT (Round Trip Time), Jitter, Packet Loss (above 0% and there is a potential issue), Line Quality (perhaps just look at this and check for 5 thumbs up), Network MOS (4.10 being the best theoretical PC to PC call, and the chances are you will be seeing a higher score).

The App is absolutely free.

OK, you're not going to use this every day but what if you find that changing the position of a device from on the floor to on a table gives you better results... could have saved you a call.

Let's assume that the results given are correct!

Perhaps seeing how easy it is to connect with another device will have you concerned; that's not a bad thing.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Great tool for free.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Ping Analyzer - Graphical Network Ping here and support for the App here.

Friday 23 October 2015

System Monitor - App Review

So, just what is going on in your iOS device?

I'm a glutton for good graphics, so this App is worth a look.

Now for the ACIDS test:

There are a number of options on the left of the screen, the rest of the real estate being used to display information, some of it in great graphics:

A neat 'speedometer' to show the percentage of memory in use, as well as digital readings for free and used memory.

A graphic of a battery with digital reading of charge left, as well as an indication of the time needed to recharge.

Presumably, this should list the processes currently running. You'd be amazed at how many there 'normally' are (including some of the names); unfortunately, this remained resolutely blank.

Disk Info
So, how much space have you left on your iOS device to add more? This again gives you graphical and digital representations.

Device Info
Detailed information on system, display, connection support, battery, physical, hardware features.

The App costs a nominal $1; you can double that by an in-App purchase of realtime graphs.

More for curiosity.

As mentioned previously, the processes tab does not seem to function. There are also times when getting detailed information overwrites other parts of the screen, which then do not refresh.

No issues detected during testing.

ACIDS Test Rating:

For the curious.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get System Monitor here and support for the App here.

Monday 19 October 2015

WireShare - App Review

Like most people, you probably have masses of Apps on your iOS devices; each of those Apps then has content and finding it can be a bit of a chore.

Think of WireShare as a filing cabinet where you can keep pretty well anything.

Now for the ACIDS test:

There are basically 2 aspects to this App:

Files Resource
This is where you get your files into the App. There is a myriad of possibilities such as Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive (was SkyDrive), Box, SugarSync, Baidu, FTP server, WebDav Server and others. You can also get files directly from the web, your camera roll, or via wi-fi transfer.

Files Available Locally
Once the files have been transferred to your iOS device (or to the App), all these files are available from within the App. The file type is really comprehensive: pdf, epub, txt, chm, key,numbers, pages, doc, docs, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, rtfd, htm, html, png, jpg, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff, bmp, tga, rar ,zip, tar, mp3, wav, m4a, aac, caf, mp4, mpv, m4v, mov, rmvb, rm, vob, asf, wmv, flv, avi, f4v, mpeg, mpg, ts, m2ts; that should keep you happy.

The App costs $4

The selling point for this App is that you can have many different things at your fingertips without the need to swap from one App to another.

There wasn't enough time to test every single file type transferred but those that were worked fine.

There is potentially a lot of file transfer so, as ever, be careful.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Information, centralised.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get WireShare here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

GSDfaster - App Review

The developer reminds us of the maxim espoused by Dwight D. Eisenhower: “What is important is seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important”. Whether or not President/General Eisenhower originated the phrase is irrelevant; what is important is that it is true.

Get Stuff Done Faster aims to help you decide which box to choose and hence prioritise properly.

Now for the ACIDS test:

If you want to prioritise 'things' then, splitting them into the Important Urgent, Important Not Urgent, Not Important Urgent, and Not Important Not Important matrix is an excellent system.

You start by hitting the + and just throwing in everything, one item at a time. Each of these will automatically generate a Process. Whenever you feel like it, review the Processes and select the Important and Urgent on/off switches. In addition you can easily put these into individual buckets (there are some already set and you can easily add/edit/delete these) and optionally assign due dates as well as tags. Especially if you are getting started, turning on the 'Eisenhower Decision Tip' option will help you ensure that you answer appropriately. Then touch the Process icon; your items to be processed will reduce each time you do this.

You've now got a counter on individual buckets, as well as a Due Dates counter.

Unbelievably, this App is absolutely free, $0.

Everyone needs to be organised; GSDfaster helps you get some discipline into your life.

The App works as expected, just a minor niggle that the help is only available on-line.

Dropbox sync is supported.

ACIDS Test Rating:

There's now no excuse for not prioritising.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get GSDfaster here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

CleanUp Suite - App Review

Over time, our contact lists become clogged up with rubbish. One of the main causes is simply duplicates. It's so easy to add a contact on your iPhone, then suddenly add the same person because you got their address on your iPad, and then lots more information because you happen to be using a PC at your desk. Unless you're extremely well organised (and have an excellent memory), you'll end up with duplicates.

CleanUp Suite aims to help you out.

Now for the ACIDS test:

In order to use the App you, obviously, need to allow access to your contacts. If you agree to the privacy policy, let the App do its thing.

You will then be presented with a screen displaying total contacts (this is the same number as before you started), contacts after you clean, full duplicates, and partial duplicates; adding the last 3 numbers together should, of course, give you the headline number.

You are then invited to review duplicates. This will present you with a list with all selected; it's probably easiest to use the 'Filter' at the bottom right and select 'Full Duplicates'. You can now check a sample (or all if you are a real Luddite) to confirm that these are really duplicates, then select 'Merge (top right). Your contacts will now be reduced by the duplicates.

It's now worthwhile running the exercise again, and dealing with partial duplicates, and this time possibly check each one as you might need them both (or more) kept separately.

The App costs $1.

You're more than capable of checking for duplicate records yourself but, there's no way you can do it this fast, and for only $1, there's no contest.

When testing, all duplicate records found were exactly that however, there were also duplicates that were not found.

Before using the App, check the Privacy rules. Remember that you are sharing your contact information.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Saves a lot of time in cleaning up your contacts.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get CleanUp Suite here and support for the App here.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Clipboard Manager QuickClip - App Review

Having recently reviewed quite a few Apps that attempted to be all things to all men, it's refreshing to try one that has just one purpose.

Clipboard Manager QuickClip is a store for any text that you want to copy.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You basically have a blank page, except for an Edit (select and delete any item) and Settings Cog (Auto add when active, avoid duplication, iCloud synchronisation).

If you have the 'Auto add when active' option turned on then (as long as the App is open), any text that you copy from any other App will appear on the Clipboard Manager QuickClip screen.

The individual items are date stamped and are copied (to use somewhere else), just by tapping.

The App costs a nominal $1.

You can obviously copy and paste text already but, having a temporary (or more, should you require) store is a neat solution.

The App works as advertised but only copies text; images are saved as a reference to the url at which they are stored.

Apart from the use of iCloud, this is a free-standing App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Only does one thing but does it very well.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Clipboard Manager QuickClip here and support for the App here.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Printability - App Review

Are you a PDF nut? Don't worry, you're not alone (not by a very, very long way).

Sometimes, all you want to do is convert a web page to a PDF on your iOS device; Printability does this for you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Having installed the App, just use Safari for browsing, as you normally would.

When you come to a page that you would like to save as a PDF document, touch the 'share' icon. Printability will appear as an option; choose it.

Unfortunately, this does not always work and even touching the 'if this site is displayed incorrectly, click here' icon does not necessarily resolve the issue.

However, if you copy and paste the url of the page that interests you into the + on the Printability home screen, then it works perfectly.

The App costs $2.

If you love PDF, worth considering.

As previously mentioned, the App seems to work best by copying and pasting the url.

No issues found during testing.

ACIDS Test Rating:

PDF from URL.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Printability here and support for the App here.

Monday 21 September 2015

Fluent Mind Map - App Review

Bam - idea; boom - idea: smash - idea... well, your ideas may not make as much (or as silly) noises as mine but, for sure, you have them.

The problem with ideas is that when the creative juices are flowing, they tend to come a number at a time and, unless you write them down, the moment is usually gone.

Fluent Mind Map is a mind mapping App.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You can start by pressing the + to create a new document and type to give it a name. Double tap to change the colour, font, and alignment. You can also drag the item wherever you want on the page. Tap and hold to create a sibling.

The padlock icon allows you to easily either allow editing, or not; in the latter state you can freely move items around, safe in the knowledge that you will not alter the contents.

Creating relationships between items (other than those that are already related, of course), simply involves double tapping the source, choosing the connector icon, and then tapping the related item(s).

Unbelievably, this App is absolutely free; $0.00.

If you haven't tried mind mapping, this is a great place to start... and probably stay, as well.

The App does ensure that your mind mad is neat which can otherwise be a bit of a chore.

The App works as described. The issue with mind mapping is that you cannot just throw an idea out and connect it later, it needs a connection to be entered at the outset.

There are lots of ways to share your mind maps, as well as different formats.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Mind mapping made easy.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Fluent Mind Map here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

ThinkBook - App Review

ThinkBook, or to give it its full moniker, ThinkBook - Todos, Notes, Projects, Outlines does a lot.

There are those who like specific Apps for specific purposes, and those who would prefer an umbrella App; this is one of the latter.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Interestingly, or differently, this App starts up populated with information, so that you really get a feel for the different things that can be done.

Although text (whatever classification you give it) is the mainstay of this App, it is the slider to the right of the screen that is the single tool that you will use the most often. Simply use one finger to move the slider. >This can be used for dragging notes into folders, or dragging notes into the slider to delete them (two fingers will create a copy). Somewhat more expectedly, the slider allows you to reorder your notes.

Pressing the 'i' on any given note allows to set tags, share and set other parameters.

You end up with notes (whether Todos, Notes, Projects, or Outlines) neatly listed which are easy to edit (either content or location)..

The App is free and there are in-App purchases to get iCloud support, different notebook covers, and additional themes.

I'm sure you need at least some of Todos, Notes, Projects, Outlines... the question is whether or not you want them together; the choice is, of course, yours.

The App works as described in the easily accessible 'ThinkBook Manual'.

You need to be careful when sharing (especially Facebook and Twitter) that you are actually sharing the information you want. This particularly important if you have different levels of outline nested.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Great combined App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get ThinkBook here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Cloud Outliner 2 Pro - App Review

Good ideas come to you at any time, any place, not just when you are sitting in front of your PC or tablet. Cloud Outliner 2 Pro allows you to enter your latest brain wave, either as the start of a new project, or add it directly into an existing plan. The big plus of this App is the integration with Evernote and iCloud.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing that will strike you with the App is that you have a nearly blank canvas to work on; a full page for your notes, uncluttered with extraneous icons.

The icons that are present allow you to create a new outline, new folder, as well as access to settings (theme, spell checking, synchronisation (Evernote, iCloud, and iTunes), colour...).

Most outliners make the job of reordering, whether to move an item up/down, or left/right in the hierarchy a nightmare. Cloud Outliner 2 Pro makes it an absolute breeze; just move the item with one finger to anywhere in the chart.

The App also supports check boxes which make it easy to see if a task is complete (if you are using the App for this purpose).

To synchronise your outline, just drag the window down and the App takes care of the rest.

The App costs $3 and there is also a lite version for you to check out if you aren't convinced.

If you're a structured kind of person then, outlines are your lifeline; this App could well be the one for you.

If you're an Evernote Nut (welcome to the club), this App is indispensable.

If you've ever been frustrated by check boxes not synchronising properly between Evernote and an App, you'll welcome this App; (drum roll) the developer has cracked the problem.

Individual documents can be password protected. As far as the developer is concerned, there is a detailed Privacy Policy on their site; well done.

ACIDS Test Rating:

An outliner that anyone can use; brilliant.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Cloud Outliner 2 Pro here and support for the App here.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Tweetroot - App Review

If you're using Twitter and want to get a better handle on the content then, this could well be an App right up your street.

The developer describes it as 'get to the root of Twitter by creating word clouds to visualize the most frequent words being tweeted. Read between the tweets and discover what a @user tweets about the most or what reactions a #hashtag is generating.'

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing you need to do is authorise the App to have access to your Twitter account.

Having done that, it is simplicity itself then choose one of the icons at the bottom of the page to:

Enter a Twitter user to create a word cloud based on their 1,000 most recent Tweets
Enter a hashtag to create a word cloud based on recent Tweets
Enter a Twitter user to create a word cloud based Tweets mentioning the user

You can easily set colour schemes, font, maximum words (in the cloud you are creating), placement order (random or based on frequency), and whether or not to allow vertical words.

Your result can then easily share this information.

The App costs a nominal $1.

This obviously depends on the use you make of Twitter. It really is useful in rapidly creating clouds that give you a handle on what is trending, as well as the ability to share this pictorial information.

I checked out my Tweets regarding this blog and saw 'app' and 'review' as the biggest hitters, just as expected.

You need to give the App access to your Twitter account but, it is only harvesting information that is already visible to other Twitter users.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Easily create Twitter info cards.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Tweetroot here and support for the App here.

Friday 28 August 2015

Apologies + Thanks

Apologies to those of you who were inconvenienced (or worse) by the hijacking of this blog.

Thanks to Matti Nescio for providing the solution to the issue on Blogger Support

Use Your Handwriting GOLD - App Review

This App allows you to use your finger to make quick notes... although, that hardly does it justice.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The basic screen mimics a tablet with some leather edges. There are controls at the bottom to add text, forward (E-mail, photos, Facebook, Twitter, or even publish as a web page (requires an in-app purchase)).

There is a tutorial which uses the novelty of awarding you virtual prizes as you complete stages; this is entirely optional.

The real business end is under the info button. Here you can link with your MyUYH account, set the background (choice of 14), set the note alignment, the type of nib , writing speed, left/right handed (both for your preferred hand, and writing language).

All this enables you to easily create notes that look good, are easily managed, and edited.

The App costs $10 but, there is also a Free Free
version for you to try.

If you like making your notes freehand, this is worth a try.

The App works... it's up to you to make decent notes.

There don't appear to be any issues with the App itself but, remember that when you share with Facebook or Twitter, many people could see what you have written.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Improves the look of your handwritten notes and makes them easier to find.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Use Your Handwriting GOLD here and support for the App here.

Monday 24 August 2015

Marksta - App Review

Marksta allows you to write on photographs... and much more.

Now for the ACIDS test:

By tapping the camera icon at the top left, you either take a new photograph, or import an existing one from your camera roll (or wherever).

You can then choose to add (or not), a caption, copyright notice, or other text, pick the colour and easily move it with your finger to place it wherever you want on the image. You can also add a watermark which helps keep ownership of images.

You can also handily edit all the IPTC information for the image.

Having done this, you can obviously save the image as well as forwarding it by various means, including assigning it to a contact.

The App costs a modest $2.

There are other ways to annotate photographs but, they do not include the ability to edit metadata.

The App is fairtly intuitive.

Obviously, if you are using your own images, you can do pretty much as you will but, if you are modifying someone else's, beware of the ramifications.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Useful photographic annotation tool.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Marksta here and support for the App here.