Monday 30 May 2016

Scoring - Scorer For Sport, Table, Card Games Score - App Review

Many people are keen on card games (and others) but finding a 'volunteer' to keep score can be a bit more difficult. This App does it for you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You start by adding a game (just give a name) and then adding the players, to each of whom you can assign a background colour (makes it even easier to tell one from another).

Then pressing Add allows you to enter a score for each player and the App automatically keeps a running total.

You can easily edit any value (but not the total) by simply tapping it and entering a new value.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

Sure, you can use the tried and trusted (not to mention ancient) system of pen and paper but this way, nobody will argue about your adding up.

The App is simple and works.

The App allows you to post to Twitter the names of players as well as the running total and your location (optional).

ACIDS Test Rating:

Takes the pain out of keeping score.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Scoring - Scorer For Sport, Table, Card Games Score here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Sit ups 0 to 200 Sit-ups - App Review

Keeping fit and trim seems to be getting more and more of an issue. Anything that helps you achieve your aims must be worth a look. If sit-ups are on your 'to-do' list then, take a look at this App.

Now for the ACIDS test:

If you want to get stuck in straight away than hit the LET'S GO button and follow the instructions.

All exercises start with a stretching period, followed by the exercises being split into smaller units, and again end with stretching. If you're unsure about the best way to do sit-ups (and avoid injury), take a look here.

It is recommended that you only exercise every other day.

The App has lots of neat little 'extras', at no additional charge. These include inspirational pictures and words, as well as accompanying music.

You confirm that you have completed each workout and earn badges along the way.

The App Costs $2.

Exercise is very important for your well-being; the important thing is that the exercise is appropriate and, if it is, then that you are loyal to your programme.

The App works as expected, and if you accidentally touch a 'Done it' by accident then all you need do is do the exercise again.

You can optionally join the club, either via your Facebook log-in, or with an e-mail address.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Keep fit... here's just the encouragement you might need.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Sit ups 0 to 200 Sit-ups here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 18 May 2016

NoteLedge Cloud – Omni Notebook for Journal with Multimedia and Sketching - App Review

If you're looking for a simple way to take text notes, you're probably better off giving this App a miss but, if you want to make notes with pictures, drawings, sound, and movement then, this is the one for you.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You basically get a canvas that covers the vast majority of the screen with plenty of tools (and much more if you upgrade).

Just one of the great details (and, let's face it, that is what differentiates most of the better Apps) is that you can define the palm rest area on the screen, just how you want it.

The App Costs $0 but, in order to enjoy the advanced features you will spend $9.99 per month or $59.99 per annum. There is a free trial which even includes 500MB of free Kdan Cloud storage.

If you work in a collaborative environment where artistry (or indeed creativity) is on the menu, take a look; you won't be disappointed.

The App works as described but really relies on the sharing aspects.

In order to take full advantage of the App you need to allow notifications, and be able to share your work with others (the usual double-edged security sword).

You can share notes to NoteTube where anyone can see your work.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Collaborative Notes on steroids.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get NoteLedge Cloud – Omni Notebook for Journal with Multimedia and Sketching here and support for the App here.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Pronto — Timer App - App Review

Are you looking for a countdown timer?

Now for the ACIDS test:

This App looks good... just thought we should get that out of the way first... and is very easy to use.

Just turn the marker to the number of minutes (going through 00 again will keep racking up the hours) and press the big green Start button to set the timer ticking.

Basically, it's as simple as that. In addition there is rapid access to recently used timers and settings for the type of alarm, as well as a shake to reset function.

The App Costs $0.

If you would like a more graphical timer than the one included in iOS, this is an alternative.

The App works.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Neat (in all senses) timer.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Pronto — Timer App here and support for the App here.

Friday 6 May 2016

trivago Hotel deal comparison from over 250 booking sites - App Review

Do you ever feel like you are being stitched up over hotel prices? You might blame yourself for not having the time to trawl the Internet for the best rate, or lack the language skills to attempt talking a booking clerk into a better rate... this App might be the answer.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You can easily start by comparing prices, maybe even (like me) check out a booking in the future that you have already made.

Enter a town and then your arrival and departure dates (this is straightforward, although the dates are not specifically labelled but, pretty obvious).

The chances are that you now have a truckload of options so go to the icon at the top left of the screen to access the filter settings. You can apply filters by stars, satisfaction, price, distance, type of lodging, hotel/room facilities. These can then de ordered by popularity, rating, price, or distance.

The map icon will allow you to visualise on a map, very handy for locating a hotel near to a particular are, without being aware of all the street names.

Once you have found what you are looking for, you can book directly from the provided link.

The App Costs $0.

When I ran a test comparing a booking, using the App would have saved me €123.44 for a 3 night stay, for the same hotel, same dates, same room type, and same payment option.

Well, I thought that I was a fairly savvy traveller... I'd try this at least once before you book your next hotel.

If you have a 'favourite' booking site, you may or not use it again; this isn't a problem as such, provided you are getting a better rate.

Until you start the booking process, the only information you are inputting is dates and preferences.

ACIDS Test Rating:

If you've got money to burn, don't use this App.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get trivago Hotel deal comparison from over 250 booking sites here and support for the App here.

Monday 2 May 2016

Sync.ME - Caller ID & Spam Block - App Review

Do you get irritated with pesky telemarketers, or other people you would rather didn't attempt to phone you? This App will help that feeling, as well as some rather pleasant by-products.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing you need to do is register your own number through the App. This is in order to enable you to synchronise your contacts on Sync.ME (one of the by-products).

Having done that, you can synchronise your Facebook, Linkedin, and Google+ contacts. This means that when you are called by one of them (or look at their contact details), you will see their mug shot in all its glory.

By accessing the settings option you can set your Sync.ME record and any change will be reflected to any other contacts using the system (very useful for a change of address or phone number).

The settings also allow you to detect spam and telemarketers from Sync.ME's database, so you could be sure that the unknown (to you) number calling isn't worth replying to.

There is also a reverse number look-up feature which is useful, although (not unexpectedly) not totally comprehensive.

The App Costs $0, although there is also a premium feature to unlock additional numbers.

If you really want contact photos or better call screening, this App covers both.

The App can obviously only check against the Sync.ME database and your social network contacts who have the same information as on your contact details.

You need to share your mobile number and then access to your contact details. The social media information you receive should only be the publicly available information.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Very useful in more than one way.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Sync.ME - Caller ID & Spam Block here and support for the App here.