Wednesday 30 November 2016

Nonagon Pro - App Review

Do you sometimes feel that your brain is getting rusty?

Try this App to confirm that you're probably right (or better still, wrong) and then do something about it.

Now for the ACIDS test:

When you start, you are faced with the choice of 4 modes: normal, timer, negation, and impossible... it's probably best to start with 'normal'.

The basic idea is to match the displayed number with the target number. The 'number pad' displays various numbers (that was fairly obvious). The top of the screen displays the number of turns left, target, and the current 'go'. The base of the screen has the four operations (add, subtract, multiply, and divide).

It starts off fairly easy and rapidly becomes a real exercise in mental arithmetic... if you start with the times version, you have my admiration.

You cannot use any tile more than once (some numbers are repeated), and the operator remains constant until changed. A used tile changes colour so, that is one less thing you need to worry about.

PS A nonagon is a polygon with 9 sides.

The App Costs $2.

I'm sure you're thinking 'I don't need this'... try it and you could well become addicted.

Don't worry about the App not working, it's your brain you need to be concerned about.

There doesn't seem to be a way to leave the App, except to close it.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A great pastime, and better for you than solitaire.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Nonagon Pro here and support for the App here.

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