Tuesday 20 June 2017

Alarm - Apple Watch Complication - App Review

Think of this as not so much of a review, more a work around to a problem.

If you've got an Apple Watch and use the 'Alarm' complication and that you travel across different time zones on a regular basis then, you'll be aware that there is a serious problem with this.

This issue does not apply to the Alarm App on other iOS devices (!).

Now for the ACIDS test:

So, like any seasoned traveller, you set your iOS device (iPhone/iPad) to automatically set the time for the time zone in which you are actually located.... this makes it less likely that you'll miss a connecting flight, apart from anything else. Having done this, your Apple Watch will mirror that time. So far, so good, indeed excellent.

The problems start when you attempt to set an alarm on you Apple Watch. Unbelievably, there are actually four different times you need to be aware of:

1. The time as displayed on your Apple Watch face (this should be the current time in your current location). We'll call this 't' (time)

2. The time as displayed at the top right of the screen when you press the Apple Watch complication. We'll call this At (Alarm time).

3. The time as displayed on the Alarm that you set. We'll call this As (Alarm set).

4. The time displayed on the Apple Watch face once you have set the alarm complication. We'll call this Andrea (Alarm display).

In order to get an alarm to actually go off when you want it to, you need to set As to the time in your home time zone at which you want the alarm to sound.

At gives the time in your home time zone and Ad should be ignored as, it appears to be the equivalent time in your home time zone without an adjustment for summer/daylight saving.


The App Costs $0, just as well really.

The Apple Watch alarm complication is great; this will let you use it.

Please let me know.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

This is not what we expect of Apple... don't think an independent developer would be allowed get this into the App store.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Alarm - Apple Watch Complication here and support for the App here.


  1. Apple have fixed the issue(s). Update to Apple Watch iOS 3.2.2 and everything works as one would expect.

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