Wednesday 4 October 2017

Classicalc Music - piano sound playing calculator - App Review

For those of you who remember Monty Python, "...and now for something completely different"...

The developer says: "Classicalc is a unique, the most classy calculator app on the App Store. It's designed to be beautiful and simple, but also… to sound amazing! Each colour theme has its own, actual Grand Piano major scale! It's Chopin-awesome! Underneath it beautiful simplicity, there's some serious technology powering Classicalc".

So let's see how it stacks up.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App opens as a calculator, with a numeric keypad (kind of essential), the four basic operators, and brackets, a percentage key (which divides the figure in the display by 100), and a delete key which deletes the rightmost figure.

So, it's a pretty basic calculator but, there is a lozenge at the top left, move that and you change the background colour (quite pleasing) but also change the scale.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

A calculator is indispensable... here you can add 'music' to your calculations. As each key is a different note, this could also avoid you making mistakes.

The App works, although the lozenge always returns to its starting position (otherwise it would interfere with the result display).

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Be different: 'hear' your calculations and detect mistakes!

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Classicalc Music - piano sound playing calculator here and support for the App here.


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