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Monday 19 November 2012 Mobile Speed Test - App Review


This is a neat little App for keeping your Internet Service Provider 'honest'. It's surprising how some ISPs promise lightning fast speeds (alright, it's actually bandwidth) and then do not deliver. This is even more important when ISPs have tired offerings, where the amount you pay varies with the 'speed' you sign up for. Bring on the refunds!

Now for the ACIDS test:

After finding the nearest server is found a speedometer displays the Ping, Download, and Upload speeds. These are than available as values in a dated listing. You can therefore also compare the most recent result with previous recordings, thereby testing that there isn't a steady (or not) decline in your access speed. It is also interesting to compare values at locations other than your usual one, thus finding out the true speeds of connections.

It's free; can't complain.

If you believe everything your ISP tells you, I guess it's useless.

The App has always worked... which is more than can be said by the quality of the connexion.

None of your personal data is transferred, so there should be no issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Try it... you might be in for a surprise

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.


You can get Mobile Speed Test here and support for the App here.



  1. nice post for all espacially for those who use internet on smart phones and other devices like this.

  2. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 3.1 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    This update includes many improvements and fixes. You can now contact us from within the app (in the About tab). We welcome your comments, feedback or reports of any issues that you encounter.

    - Translated and now available in 15 different languages
    - Added ability to select a testing location from our entire server network
    - Testing engine revamped to improve performance and reliability
    - Addressed issue where some users would see a 0 result
    - Various interface improvements
    - Many other bug fixes

  3. Thanks for your useful information. I have checked my internet speed test result from this site

  4. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 3.1.2 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations: Mobile Speed Test

  5. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 3.1.3 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    *** iOS 5 Users! Attention!! ****
    We're aware of an issue with iOS 5 users and the latest update. We apologize for those who have updated, and working to fix it. At this time we recommend iOS 5 users do not update!

    - Bug fixes and library updates


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