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Thursday 14 April 2016

Fuel - App Review

If you are keen on maintaining fuel consumption records for your vehicles, this App could be right up your street.

Now for the ACIDS test:

You start off by adding a vehicle, to which you assign a name, type, fuel type and optional comment.

The Settings screen allows you to pick units kilometre or miles, as well as the consumption type (litres/100 kilometres, or miles per gallon); handily these are set independently so you can mix imperial and metric units.

Now, net time you stop at a petrol station you can use the Fill ups option.

You can then have access to information to consumption and costs.

The App Costs $2.

Obviously you can use a spreadsheet for this information but, this is a neat alternative.

Fuel is an iPhone App which works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad. It is extremely simple to use and reliable, although you need to have a certain amount of data before it becomes truly useful.

You can copy your data to Dropbox (Dropbox/Apps/FuelApp), as well as e-mail a csv file.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Keep a track of your vehicle consumption with ease.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Fuel here and support for the App here.

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