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iTunes Vouchers

Thursday 30 October 2014

Shtickers - App Review

So what am I doing reviewing this App?

The truth is that the name intrigued me; curiosity aroused, I had to look further.

The publisher asks the question : "Have you ever wanted to use stickers... but in your iMessage conversations?".

Now for the ACIDS test:

Before you start, you need to ensure that MMS is enabled on your iOS device. To do this, simply go to Settings/Messages/MMS Messaging/On.

The App is straightforward; press Begin to get started.

The very bottom of the screen contains 8 icons which represent individual groups of 10 'Shtickers'. Choose the group, then chose the 'Shticker' and then press Send.

This will bring up your messaging service, where the 'Shticker' has been inserted. You can add text before, or after, the 'Shticker'.

That's all there is to it.

The App is free but, you will be sending each message as an MMS, which could well incur charges with your mobile operator.

I'll let you be the judge.

The App works but you can only send one 'Shticker' per message.

The App is self-contained so there are no issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A bit of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Shtickers here and support for the App here.

Monday 20 October 2014

Pocket Binder - App Review

Do you have a bulging wallet, replete not with cash but multiple store cards and vouchers?

This App allows you to replace them all and never forget one.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Whether it's a loyalty card, or a voucher that you want to store, the process is very nearly the same.

Pick Coupons or Cards, then press the +.

You now enter the card name, store name, and category, or product/store, coupon type, and amount off.

Having done that you scan (photograph) the bar code. The number is quickly displayed on the screen for you to confirm.

In addition you can put expiry dates for coupons (and then also choose to have them automatically deleted when they lapse. You can pretty things up by adding colours and pictures. Very usefully you can have locations for the cards/coupons, so as not to miss an opportunity.

The App costs $2.

As far as store and other loyalty cards are concerned, this App is better than the real thing (you (nearly) always have your iPhone with you).

Coupons/Vouchers can be a bit more complicated as some stores want to keep the voucher... and I guess you don't want to give up your iPhone.

The App works perfectly... with the proviso mentioned before of antediluvian retailers who like to chop down trees.

You can enable iCloud synchronisation; the usual double-edged sword.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Travel light(er).

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Pocket Binder here and support for the App here.

Enpass - App Review

Passwords... love them, hate them. they're everywhere.

There are two main ways in which people tend to deal with passwords: use the same one everywhere, or (somehow) randomly generate them.

The former option is extremely unsafe, and the second needs careful thought about how to manage the situation.

The Enpass App is an attempt at giving you the best of both worlds (in a way).

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App starts off by asking you for a master password. This is the key (in more senses than one) that will protect you so, it needs to be 'complicated' but memorable. The good news is that you can mix upper and lower case, as well as numbers and special characters.

You must remember this password or you will no longer have access.

You can now start entering items under various categories:

Credit card
Secure note (this is a nice extra touch)

Each one of these then asks for the relevant information to attach to the record, as well as the ability to add new fields. The really clever bit if the 'key' icon which allows the system to generate a password where you set the length, number of digits, symbols, and uppercase.

Once you have finished you can easily find the items, either within their categories or alphabetically.

The App costs $10 which is not cheap but, security hasn't really got a cost and, the desktop version is free.

You need secure passwords: fact. This is a straightforward way of both generating and storing them.

The App is very intuitive to use and reliable.

This is really what this App is about. Your information is stored on your device and not in the cloud. In my opinion this is a definite advantage.

The developers clearly take your security seriously your data is encrypted using AES-256 and your master password with PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function).

ACIDS Test Rating:

You know you need security...

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Enpass here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Dooo - App Review

How do you to Dooo?... or, if you prefer, how do you keep track of your todo list, and more importantly, enter information.

Now for the ACIDS test:

'Normal' todo lists are exactly that, lists.

This App differentiates itself by the way one enters the information. Some people work on pictures (photographs), some on locations (because it reminds them of where), and some on rough sketches. The truth is that we probably all work on these aspects, at some time.

This is where Dooo comes in. You can snap a photograph, add an image from your store, sketch anything you want, or automatically enter your current location, as well as add voice (very useful if you are on the move). You then add a title to this information and turn it into a task, together with an optional reminder.

It is very easy to use and extremely versatile.

The App is free and there is an in App purchase for additional colour themes.

A Todo list is indispensable; this one has a different way of doing things which might just be exactly what less 'organised' people are looking for.

The App has an irritating feature of turning the upper case key on, so that it has to be disabled for every keystroke that you want to appear in lower case.

This is a standalone App and, as such, presents no issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

If you don't like Todo lists, give Dooo a try.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Dooo here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

City Maps 2Go Pro - App Review

The thing about traditional (paper) town guides is that you either have them, or you don't. If you forgot to pack it then, you either need to get another one, or get some other means of access to information.

Electronic maps are great but often rely on downloading information, as you go. This is acceptable if you have an unlimited download account but can be prohibitively expensive when you ate out of your home territory... which is when you are most likely to require such information.

Enter 'City Maps 2Go Pro', where you download the information and then have it stored in your iOS device.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing to do is download a location that interests you.

When you download, you are given the option of including, or not, additional articles and pictures which will enhance the experience but use up memory; your choice.

You can then search the map in a variety of ways, such as entering text, accessing the globe to see a listing of top places. You can easily find street names, public transport, restaurants and hotels (including reviews). You can then add photos or notes.

There is a very useful 'locate me' button which toggles between showing where you are (assuming you are within the map confines) and centring the map, viewing direction, and North up.

You can create lists of places to visit and store these for when you reach your destination, as well as storing them in the 'Ulmon Hub'. An added bonus of using this is seeing the opinions of others, as well as sharing yours.

The App costs $3, which is dramatically more than a library full of travel guides. There is also a limited free version for you to test.

Sometimes the best part of a trip is the planning; this App adds to that experience.

When downloading a location, it is easiest to type the name, as access via the initial letter doesn't seem to function correctly.

Although the individual maps are comprehensive, there is always a little place that the locals will know that is not listed.

The Ulmon cloud is the usual double-edged sword of added back-up but also, potential, unauthorised use. Apart from the unlikely (but possible) event of someone hacking into your account and altering data, the consequential risks should be remote.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Added enjoyment for your trip.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get City Maps 2Go Pro here and support for the App here.

Thursday 2 October 2014 - App Review

This is an App to display the correct time in any given time zone.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Tapping the screen once cycles between set-up and use; very simple.

The settings (reached by tapping the screen) allow you to set the following parameters:

Language, time format (24 hour, a.m./p.m.), date format (4 options), first day of the week (Saturday, Sunday, Monday), font (choice of 2), colours (positive or negative, as well as the option to change after sunset), home location, and synchronisation information (shown or not, as well as choosing to only connect via wi-fi).

Alarms, multiple locations (allows easy conversion between different time zones) can also be set, as well as calculating time lapses.

This is a very reasonably priced $1.

It's been a while since updating the time on iOS devices has been an issue but, neatly showing more than one time zone is a bonus. You can also convince yourself of the current time by pointing your browser to one of the myriad of time services.

The time is accurate.

This is an iPad App requiring iOS 6 or later.

This is a standalone App and, as such, presents no issues.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Atomic time.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get here and support for the App here.