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Thursday 17 October 2013

How to Cook Everything - App Review

Cookbooks have a tendency to give you a list of ingredients and approximate instructions... the intention being for the uninitiated to recreate the professionally photographed dish (good luck).

This App is surprising in its completeness, as well as some excellent detail, and a no-nonsense approach provided by Mark Bittman.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The contents page allows you various choices:

Browse Recipes
Pick this option and Pandora's box opens. You can now choose from:

Sauces, Condiments and Seasonings
Sandwiches and Pizza
Vegetables and Fruits
Pasta, Noodles and Dumplings
Fish and Shellfish
Eggs, Breakfast and Dairy

In turn, picking any of the above bring up a number of subsections, which in turn give you access to individual recipes.

These individual recipes contain not only the expected details but also pictorial explanations of certain techniques. In addition you have access to variations on the chosen dish, access to related content and a sheet on which to add your notes.

A couple of clever items are the ability to set a timer by simply touching the related instruction, and immediate access to stopping your screen dimming.

Kitchen Basics
The structure is identical to the Recipe section but here, the topics covered are equipment, techniques, ingredients and some basic concepts.

Bittman's Picks
I think these are really the users' picks, ordered by broad type, and then indexed by the number of votes.

Most Popular
Similar to Bittman's picks but only ordered by votes.

Featured Recipe
Half a dozen recipes for various uses, complete with all the information. Could be very useful if the choice of recipes leaves you confused.

Quick Dinners
I guess you can work this one out on your own.

Here you will find detailed explanations, complete with pictures, from basic pasta-making techniques to zesting citrus fruit.

The free text box allows you access to everything connected with your search request; just remember that the spelling is US English (no courgette but plenty of zucchini).

It's incredible that an App that is as easy to use as this one also includes one of the most comprehensive 'help' functions that I have ever seen.

Unbelievably, this App is free and if it contains any advertising, it's so subtle that I haven't found it.

Eating is indispensable and there are 2,000 recipes here.


This App is wholly downloaded and self-contained.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Cooking made simple and inspiration for free.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get How to Cook Everything here and support for the App here.


  1. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 1.9.11 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    This version corrects a typographical error in the user interface.

  2. I've ne'er seen this before, however like Jenna on top of, filet was my initial thought too. I bet shrimp would be smart on that too. And currently i am hungry!
    cookings set


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