Textever Pro is a simple way to edit, or create, Evernote notes.
Now for the ACIDS test:
The '+' will open a new page for you. The first line typed will automatically become the title for the note. The rest is your note.
There is a handy character counter, including spaces and carriage returns.
The icons at the bottom of the screen allow you to easily add Tags, enter the date, time, a very useful check box (although it does not appear possible to enter a tick), as well as adding a photograph. The image is not actually added to the text in the document but is clearly visible at the foot of the page.
The settings allow you to link your Evernote account, pick from a variety of papers, fonts, protect your wrk with a pass code (limited to 4 characters but not limited to numbers).
The App is not inexpensive, at $4.
If you use Evernote (and you really should be), Textever Pro is a more elegant way of editing or creating notes than the Evernote App.
The App works in native mode, on either an iPhone or iPad.
The only sharing you do is with Evernote... but that is the reason for the App.
ACIDS Test Rating:
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.3 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-Support TextExpander 2.3.1
-Link capture (iOS7)
-Evernote Reminders
-Preserve indents on new line
-Auto checkbox and bullets on new line
-Support Chinese yinxiang.com Evernote server
-Syncing edit cursor position
-New themes
-Command+S key (iOS7)
-Many bug fixes
-Support Rate Limits
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.3.1 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-Bug fixes
+Checkbox switch tap
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.1 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-Multiple Image Selection (iOS7)
-Undo timestamp, date insert
-Notebook and tag filters
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.2 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-UI speed-up
-fixed bugs
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.3 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
Bug fixes
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.4 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-SnapWriter app release (It is Textever 2 app)
-Default Notebook setting
-Default Tags setting
-Checkbox line space
-Bug fixes
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.5 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
-TextExpander Fill-ins
-Easy Checkbox
-iPhone 6 and iOS 8 support
-Bug Fixes
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.7 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
Bug fixes
The developer advises that there has been an update to version 2.4.8 of the App.
ReplyDeleteThis includes the following enhancements and alterations:
Bug fixes