The developer says:
"Turn your iPad or iPhone into a window aboard the International Space Station. Experience stunning views of Earth captured by NASA astronauts. Touch the views and control the planet with your finger. A truly amazing one-of-a-kind experience.".
"Turn your iPad or iPhone into a window aboard the International Space Station. Experience stunning views of Earth captured by NASA astronauts. Touch the views and control the planet with your finger. A truly amazing one-of-a-kind experience.".
Now for the ACIDS test:
Tap the screen to bring up the options, and most importantly settings (the ubiquitous cogwheel). Here you can make a number of choices:
There are on/off toggles for motion effect, show weather (pick your desired location), show clock, show title, keep display on (if plugged in or battery level above 15%), and zoom live view. In addition you can set the transparency and info transparency through slider controls.
Again, there are on/off toggles for sound effects and ambient sounds (pick from 9 different ones), and a slider for volume
At the bottom of the screen choose from 8 different view types, including a live view from the International Space Station.
The App is Free.
Unless you use the App on a spare device as an interesting diversion, it is more likely to come in for occasional use.
The App is best viewed in landscape mode.
The live view from the International Space Station can be black; this is not an error, as there's not much to see on the dark side of the earth!
The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.
ACIDS Test Rating:
Free views from ISS, and more.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Earthlapse here and support for the App here.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Earthlapse here and support for the App here.