How do you keep tabs on your investments when limits are breached? Many people don't and just rely on someone else to 'look after it for them'; bad move.
This App allows you to easily set alerts when values outside your range, either upper or lower.
This App allows you to easily set alerts when values outside your range, either upper or lower.
Now for the ACIDS test:
Adding a stock is a breeze. Simply tap the stocks icon and then the '+' and enter either the symbol or the company name and let the App find it for you. You can also easily enter multiple stocks by separating the symbols with spaces (a great time saver).
Having added your stocks, you can then set alerts for all or any of the following:
Price Target (low, high, and Price trigger)
% Change (drops below and rises above)
Volume (absolute or % above average)
Tapping the 'i' button on any stock will give you access to lots of information, including:
Average Volume
Market capitalisation
Charts (1, 5 days; 1, 3, 6, 12 months).
The Settings will allow you to configure how alerts are delivered and, in my view, very importantly, whether an alert is repeated each time any given limit is breached.
The App is absolutely free.
If you need share/stock information to be timely, and act as a reminder, this is simple and effective.
The App only supports shares quoted on NYSE and NASDAQ.
The App is designed for the smaller screen of the iPhone but also works well on an iPad in 1x and 2x modes.
This App allows you to receive but not share data, so there are no issues.
ACIDS Test Rating:

A good tool for the investor.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Stock Alerts Pro here and support for the App here.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Stock Alerts Pro here and support for the App here.
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