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Thursday 17 April 2014

My Dashboard - App Review

Think of this App as giving you the ability to have lots of information, from different sources, on one screen.

If you ever used the now sadly departed 'Google Desktop' then, think of this App as that, on steroids.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The App comes pre loaded with a default home screen; this gives you a taste for what it can do.

To set things up, just as you like them, go to 'Screen 1' (and rename it on an iPad) to see the options. Pressing any of the '+' buttons will bring up the options of exactly what information can be displayed in any panel. Choose from: RSS Feed, Facebook, Twitter, Calendar, Time, Instagram, Flickr, Photos (from your cameral roll), Youtube, Weather, or Custom (this gives you access to many others, or you could even create your own).

You can easily resize and move panels in layout mode. The content within individual panels can be customising by accessing the 'cog' and setting your preferences.

What you end up with is a screen containing the information you need in a layout that suits you.

This is a lot of customisation for your $1.

You don't get anything you don't already have, or have easy access to. What changes is that you have one screen with all that information.

It is possibly best on an iPad, with the extra screen size.

There seems to be a problem with using Facebook, in that the App needs to be given access to your account through settings (this is standard) but, the App is not listed so cannot be granted access.

This is more a data centre for what you have, rather than an instantaneous posting medium. You need access to each of your accounts to be able to post, thereby avoiding the easy 'oops, didn't mean to post that there syndrome'.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Neat information control centre.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get My Dashboard here and support for the App here.


  1. The developer advises that there has been an update to version 1.5.3 of the App.

    This includes the following enhancements and alterations:

    Lots of updates have made its way in to this latest update of My Dashboard. Here are the highlights:

    + Fix for Facebook login

  2. If you want your dashboard to carry mostly charts, graphs, diagrams, etc, choose dashboard software that specializes in those templates. salesforce dashboard

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