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Tuesday 29 March 2016

Orderly - App Review

Oh no, not another to-do list App. This one could well be worth a second look as it promises "Orderly is designed based on how the human-mind visualises to-do lists! Shown in three levels at a glance, you can quickly decide which ones to work on and what's coming soon. Set note colours, fonts and font sizes to visually aid you in classifying the to-dos.

Now for the ACIDS test:

On the home screen you will find 'Info' from where you can get 'How to'. This will lead you through some screen grabbed pages which show some of the features of the App and how to use them.

For those of you (that makes most of us) who would rather just get stuck in, click the '+' at the top left of the screen and create a new folder, assigning it a colour, or better still an icon. You will now automatically be able to create an item by tapping the '+' at the top right of the screen (do not worry that your folder has not appeared). You enter a title for this to-do (and that might be all you do), and then add any items in a list. You also can select due dates and priorities (High, Medium, Low).

The App includes a powerful search facility which can bring up all items that are relevant.

Your To-dos are neatly shown as lists and can be changed for priority and order on the screen by dragging; very intuitive.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

Regular readers will know that a to-do list is an absolute 'must-have', and more importantly, 'must use' App. Orderly could just be a very good solution for those who want something more intuitive than a straight list.

The only irritating item found was that when entering items in a list tapping 'Next' makes the on-screen keyboard disappear.

You can synchronise your files with Dropbox. The files are saved in Dropbox/Apps/Orderly as JSON; for those of you who would like to edit the items on a PC, enjoy.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Mixed App and to-do with finger control.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Orderly here and support for the App here.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Places Around - App Review

Looking for something near you, or in the environs of a particular place? 'Places Around' aims to help you out.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Choose from one of the listed categories:

Beauty Salons
Book Stores
Bus Stops
Car Rental
Car Repair
Car Wash
Clothing Stores
Coffee Shops
Department Stores
Electronic Stores
Fire Stations
Gas Stations
Hindu Temples
Meal Delivery
Movie Theatres
Post Offices
Shoe Stores (don't tell my wife about that one)
Shopping Malls (or that one)
Train Stations
Travel Agencies

Then the App will instantly return a map of where you are with pins dropped at the relevant places. Tap on a pin for further information, including additional views).

In addition you can also enter a place name and search for that location.

The App is well-designed and very easy to use.

The App Costs $2.

There are plenty of ways to find particular places but, this App serves as a 'one stop shop' so is very useful.

The App is designed for the iPhone and Apple Watch, and works in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad.

In testing, all the places that purported to be in the vicinity indeed were but, there were also lots of known locations which should also have been flagged, regardless of category.

The App needs access to your location in order to work (fairly obvious really). The App is self-contained, so no other concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Useful but should contain more places.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Places Around here and support for the App here.

Thursday 17 March 2016

WiFi Mouse HD - App Review

This App promises to transform your phone into a wireless keyboard, remote desktop, track pad and more.

Now for the ACIDS test:

In order to get started, obviously having already downloaded the App, you then need to download the Mouse server from here.

All you then need to do is run the App, as well as the software on your PC (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux).

Provided that your PC and iPhone are on the same network, the App will immediately connect your iPhone as an input device for our PC. You can now simply enter text from a keyboard, as well as use the screen as a mouse.

Just for fun, and to prove to myself that this works, most of this review was written using the App.

The fact is that, especially for a remote App, the set-up is an absolute breeze.

The basic App is absolutely free and there are in-App purchases to add additional features.

Obviously, this is down to user preference. I would however suggest that if you have a surface and no keyboard then, the App allows you to keep the whole Surface screen real estate and still have a keyboard. Being able to use a screen positioned to the left/right is also much easier than a track pad.

This App and the software work and didn't fail, not even once, during testing.

It depends how paranoid you are but, of course, your keystrokes are transmitted via your wi-fi network.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Free input device; you can't buy one of those in a shop.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get WiFi Mouse HD here and support for the App here.

Friday 11 March 2016

GoPro App - App Review

If you are the lucky owner (or even user) of a GoPro Camera then the chances are that you are very happy with your product (I certainly am).

The one thing that you might crave is a way to remotely start/stop the camera... and perhaps more. This is App is for you; it does much, much more than that. (how about editing for a start).

Now for the ACIDS test:

The first thing to do is connect your iOS device with the GoPro Camera. The important thing to remember is to have cycled to ensure that wi-fi is turned on and then connect your iOS device to that network.

You now have the choice between

Here, not only to you have a live feed from your GoPro Camera but you can also start and stop recording by touching a large red button; that's the most basic function. You are also able to set the resolution, frames per second, field of view, low light setting, and spot meter. Additional settings are available for multi-shot and photo, as well as set-up (orientation, default mode, LED blinking, beeps, video format, and setting the date and time). There is also direct access to the battery state and SD card capacity (both used and available).


this displays the content of your SD card. In order to delete an item it just needs selecting and putting in the bin. You can also take clips of 5, 109, or 30 seconds from an existing recording, or grab a photo from any individual frame.

The App Costs $0... obviously it only works with a GoPro Camera but, that's considerably less than a dedicated remote control.

If you need to remotely control your GoPro Camera, which is essential in cases such as on a helmet (you look pretty silly looking for a mirror to check the 'on' light is flashing) then, you need this App, let alone that you can ensure that the field of vision is what you were hoping for.

The App really is brilliant although a very minor criticism is that although you can turn the GoPro Camera off through the App, it cannot be turned back on (or at least I didn't mange it).

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Perfect companion for the GoPro Camera and at a price you cannot refuse.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get GoPro App here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Uber Success Plan - App Review

When I first saw this App, I thought it was a recipe for becoming a taxi driver. In fact it's a bit like a to do list with attitude (and that's a good thing).

To-do lists certainly help you get things done but, perhaps one also looses the focus of why one is doing them in the first place.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The easiest way to get started is to hit the 'Goals' button and set up your first item; this will clarify how the App works.

You can choose from various headings: career, finances, fun and recreation, health, relationships, and spiritual. Having done that, hit the '+' and now go through the various settings:

Priority (neat coloured slider from low to maximum)
Action Plan - these items are like a to-do list with the usual start, end, repeat, and remind fields.

It is very important to hit the 'tick' at the top right of the screen, otherwise your entry will not be saved.

Once that is complete, hit 'Back' 4 times and you are back on the summary page.

Here you have the number of actions/tasks for each day for a week, as well as direct access to your goals, motivation, and drive items.

The App is absolutely free.

For those of you who need a bit of motivation to go with your to-do list, this could well be the answer.

The App is designed for the smaller screen of the iPhone but works fine in 1x and 2x modes on an iPad.

Remember to hit the 'tick' at the top right of the screen, in order to save your work.

This is a standalone App.

ACIDS Test Rating:

To-do list on steroids.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Uber Success Plan here and support for the App here.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Simply North - App Review

Where am I?

This App enables you to very get your co-ordinates and altitude.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Here, unashamedly, are the initial instructions given by the developer; these cover the basic operation:

Tap on the North Icon to switch between true (red) and magnetic (blue) North.

Tap on the co-ordinates to copy location and course to clipboard.

Swipe left to convert the location co-ordinate between the three basic forms (DMS, MinDec, and DegDec) - the App is worth having for this alone (how many times have you been given co-ordinates in one format and had to enter them into a GPS in a different format).

Swipe right to display your actual altitude and speed.

Swipe down or tap on BusyBytes Icon to open the About Box.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

This App is useful as a compass and for determining your location and altitude.

It is important to ensure that you have enabled Location in Settings.

The App is as good as the geolocation of your iOS device.

There are no apparent issues as this is a standalone App.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Beautiful, usable compass

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Simply North here and support for the App here.