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Thursday 22 December 2016

V Creator - MLM - App Review

If you're into Multi-level marketing (MLM) then, this App could help you stay organised.

In fairness, it could also be helpful if you are in any sales proactive sales type environment.

Now for the ACIDS test:

It all hinges around contacts (but you knew that already). So, you start by adding contacts. Rather helpfully these can be sourced from your iOS address book, as well as being input manually. Apart from seeing the telephone and contact details, there is the helpful function of entering notes and of a one tap action to send an e-mail.

Contacts are then assigned various attributes, such as new contact, customer, affiliate, rejector, or even dream stealer.

These act as filters which can be turned on/off with a tap.

You also add your 'dreams' which can include images as well as text. If you're not into MLM, think of this as targets (although not necessarily numerical ones).

The App Costs $10, which isn't cheap but, does provide a tidy way to keep on top of your prospects/contacts.

If you're into MLM (or any sales environment), you need structure to be able to carry out the follow-ups required. This is an option (the App, not the discipline, that is a must).

The App really is very simple to use and intuitive.

Apart from the (optional) need to access your contacts, the App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front.

ACIDS Test Rating:

A great MLM follow-up tool.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get V Creator - MLM here and support for the App here.

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