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Friday 10 February 2017

Loud - App Review

Developer Shad Deen says: "An alternative music player for your Apple Music and iTunes Match libraries giving you the best music experience on your iOS device. Never miss a scrobble with flawless integration and caching. 'Love' your tracks on and sync your 'Now playing' status. You can easily add songs to your queue with Play Next feature. Look no further for the perfect alternative music player and scrobbler for iOS."

So how does it live up to that?

Now for the ACIDS test:

There are number of neat tricks, such as pre loading artist images, and choosing whether or not to group by album artist, as well as not showing all music.

Personally, I find the interface much cleaner than the standard iOS version, which makes it a winner already.

This is superbly easy to use.

The App Costs $3.

This is another way to play music but well worth taking a look at.

It works... and you can't say better than that.

The App needs access to your Apple Music and Media Library (otherwise there's no point having it, obviously).

The neat part is that by pressing and holding any item you can 'play next', or 'play after next', so it is easy to set up music ion the order you want.

Open a account and make it even better.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Same music, better interface.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Loud here and support for the App here.

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