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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Magic Jigsaw Puzzles - App Review

Sometimes you just want to concentrate on something else... jigsaw puzzles are an excellent way to do just that.

Now for the ACIDS test:

The free version of the App contains a number of puzzles in various topics: animals, nature, famous paintings, and architecture. Simply pic a puzzle in one of the collection and then choose the level of difficulty.

There are 2 ways of making things easier, or more challenging, one is by picking the number of pieces in the puzzle (as an example 42, 72, 143, 288, 550), and whether or not pieces are rotated in the 'stack'.

The screen then divides (only in landscape view) with the pieces to be used in a scrollable frame on the right and the whole rest of the real estate to complete the puzzle.

You simply, and elegantly, float pieces into the puzzle.

The basic App is free and you can then make in-App purchases to obtain further collections, including being able to use your own photographs.

This is just something to relax... that may well be essential.

The App works as described.

There is no interactivity as long as you are on the free version.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Easier to use in awkward places than a traditional puzzle.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Magic Jigsaw Puzzles here and support for the App here.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Keep An Eye - App Review

You know the scenario; you pop out of the office and someone decides to snoop at your computer screen. This App will notify you of various actions that might be made.

Now for the ACIDS test:

After downloading the App ensure that notifications are turned on.

You then need to go to on your computer and scan the QR code from within the App. To get there you need to click the icon at the top left of the screen and also make sure your mouse cursor is within the circle on the screen (a green tick will appear... don't follow the instructions and 'rest your mouse inside the circle').

Your iOS device will now receive messages such as 'Browser Window Switched' or 'Mouse Moved'.

The App Costs a nominal $1.

This perhaps more of a 'threat' than a serious security option. If you need to protect your information then, that is what you need to do, not just be made aware that someone has touched your computer.

The App relies on activity; someone just looking at your screen will, of course, not be detected.

The App needs to have push notifications turned on to function.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Possibly more of a toy than a tool but, still interesting.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get Keep An Eye here and support for the App here.

Friday 12 February 2016

MailTime Pro - App Review

The ubiquitous e-mail is perhaps a little bland (I'm not talking about the content); MailTime brings a different way to view e-mail.

Now for the ACIDS test:

First up you need to add an e-mail account which are pre configured for Google, iCloud,, Office 365, Yahoo and some others.

When typing your first e-mail you will be impressed that your most recent contacts are already at the top of the list. There are buttons for 'To,' 'CC' and 'BCC'; no messing about there either.

At the bottom of the message panel you can easily add images, Dropbox or other cloud items, as well the very useful '@' feature which enables you to create a task from within a message (called mentions).

You need to think of MailTime as more messaging than e-mail but, much better to use than messaging.

The App Costs $0.

You already have e-mail but, if nothing else, the iOS version doesn't even have password protection.

The App relies on bubbles for messages which is fine, so long as messages are fairly short.

You need to connect your e-mail address(es) with MailTime and acknowledge their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Apart from access to your e-mail account(s), you also need to enable the App to have access to your contacts.

You are invited to set up a Passcode; it would be foolish to refuse.

ACIDS Test Rating:


To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get MailTime Pro here and support for the App here.

Monday 8 February 2016

ipash - App Review

If you hanker for the 'good old days' of command line prompts then, this will be right up your street.

For those of you too young to remember those days... delve and learn.

Now for the ACIDS test:

As a bit of a sop to the way we have become so lazy (relying on the aptitude of developers to do the work for us), you can type 'help' to get a list of commands.

Now experiment as you will but, be careful.

You can choose from layouts from ipash, Apple, Linux, classic /green text on a black screen), or Commodore (white text on a blue screen... remember that?).

The App Costs a nominal $1.

The chances that, the 'utilisateur lambda' will soon tire...

Hey come on, command line systems just work.

The App is self-contained, so no concerns on this front, just don't make changes you might regret.

ACIDS Test Rating:

Brings back memories...

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get ipash here and support for the App here.

TextCenter - App Review

Sometimes, less is more, and having accurate control is a boon.

TextCenter is uncluttered and allows you to edit text, completely.

Now for the ACIDS test:

Press the + to start your first text.

Press on Untitled to give a name to the file.

You are now in the text part and type as you normally would.

Now you can either use the App just as a plain text editor with the few icon driven features (undo, redo, left, back, up, down, forward delete). Additional icon driven features are available with a flick to scroll the items.

If you really want total control then, I suggest downloading the User Guide.

The App Costs $0.

It really depends on whether you like GUI or accurate control; your call.

If you, for example, want to have text that links to a URL, this is for you.

The App works but, it's up to you to make the effort if you want bells and whistles (not a criticism, just an ascertainment.

The App can be given (optional) access to your Twitter account and iCloud.

ACIDS Test Rating:

For those who need more than text.

To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.

You can get TextCenter here and support for the App here.