If you are a frequent taxi user in any given area, you will know how roughly much the fare will cost you, and the best place to call. If you are in unfamiliar territory, you could be entering a minefield. This App makes life much more predictable... taxi-wise, that is.
Now for the ACIDS test:
Either use your current location, or enter one, and then enter a destination. The App will instantly calculate the distance, as well as an estimate of the fare, and a map of the journey. This is useful in checking that you haven't entered an incorrect location, and later to keep the taxi driver 'honest'.
Touching the fare calculation box gives you details of how the estimate was calculated.
Pressing Taxi Finder at the bottom of the screen will give you suggested companies, together with their contact details and reviews.
Basically, that's all there is to it, and all there needs to be.
The App is absolutely free. It could save you a lot of money, particularly in negotiating flat rates for fares.
This is an excellent tool for the traveller, or occasional taxi hirer.
The App seems to work perfectly well. There are however two significant drawbacks. The first is that any suggested taxi company is suggested, based on your current location, so that you cannot plan ahead. The other is that the choice of taxi companies is very limited.
There were no issues detected during testing.
ACIDS Test Rating:

Avoid getting ripped off by taxi drivers.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Taxi Finder by TaxiFareFinder.com here and support for the App here.
To find out how the ACIDS Test works, click here.
You can get Taxi Finder by TaxiFareFinder.com here and support for the App here.
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