There are three ways to use Blogsy:
- Create great blog posts including pictures and totally customisable text
- Use html to directly create blog posts
- Send customised e-mails.... like choose font, colour, and size.
Now for the ACIDS test:
It's worth noting that Blogsy is only available on the iPad.
There are a large number of 'how to' videos provided with/within the App; 19 to be precise, as well as a very comprehensive how-to guide, and a FAQ section. Before you start using Blogsy in earnest, I would suggest you tackle either the How-To Videos, or How-To Guide. This is not to say that Blogsy isn't intuitive, it's just that there is so much of it that you could well miss out on some great features. Just as an example (and it is one of many), you will find out how to embed Tweets in your blog; I've been doing that for a long time but wish I'd seen an easy explanation like the one provided in Blogsy; that would have saved me hours of work and frustration.
This includes providing a video when there is an update to notify and demonstrate the salient points; very neat.
At its simplest, Blogsy provides you with a blank canvas with tools at the top (bold, italic, underline, alignment, bulleting, font (colour, size and background)), augmented by links down the right hand side to pictures, Facebook, YouTube, and many more, as well as email. This last one (email) is magic as you can finally send emails with everything formatted just how you want, including links that look good and work.
If you are into html then, a simple three finger swipe brings up your work in html, complete with appropriate keyboard.
Blogsy really needs much more than a few hundred words for a proper review. The attention to detail is truly amazing… just as an example, look at the logo (you might need a magnifying glass); truly amazing.
If you are into blogging then I suggest you give Blogsy a try; you won't be disappointed.
This is a modestly priced App, and very well worth the money. There is also 'à la Apple' advertising on your posts (unless you change the option); they will include "Posted with Blogsy".
It's really a question of how sophisticated your blog posts are. If they include lots of fonts and styles and photographs and pictures then Blogsy is indispensable. It could also be that you are currently limited, and Blogsy will open the world up to you. Additionally, if you need to be able to format emails as you choose, and use an iPad then, Blogsy is the solution.
Absolutely no problems reported during testing.
You need to give Blogsy access to your blog(s), so ensure that your iPad is secured by password, as a bare minimum.
ACIDS Test Rating:
Worth it just for e-mails!
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